Don’t put politics before health.
The politically-driven dismantling of our public health department during this roaring pandemic is reckless and dangerous!
We need our public health workers focused on the pandemic, not politics.
This sudden move is a divisive distraction at the exact moment we all need to pull together and pull through.
A global pandemic is not the time to play politics with our healthcare.
No consultation, no community engagement.
The City of Tacoma was not consulted as a stakeholder and partner in this policy move, nor were any other cities or towns in Pierce County.
Healthcare workers, community members, and those who rely on Tacoma-Pierce Health Department the most were all shocked by this sudden and unexplained action.
This is a significant dissolution and reorganization of a half-century-old partnership that deserves more than ONE WEEK of discussion.
Bad idea, at the WORST time
This 11th hour surprise move weakens our efforts rather than strengthens them.
At a time that partnership and collaboration is so essential, this dissolves and weakens the ability for our county and city leaders to work with medical providers, educators, parents, workers and employers.
This move has ramifications for everything from drinking water and drug treatment and maternal health.
We are in a spike of a global pandemic; not the time for playing politics with healthcare. This should not be rushed.
We urge the Pierce County Executive and County Council to postpone further policy discussion and legislative action on this matter until such time that a full analysis and robust stakeholder engagement can be completed.
We request that County officials reach out to cities and towns, the medical community, educators, and other vital stakeholders to fully vet the implications of the decision to dissolve the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department prior to considering any legislation.