Let the House Civil Rights & Judiciary Committee know you support civil remedies for police accountability

Let the House Civil Rights & Judiciary Committee know you support civil remedies for police accountability

Let the House Civil Rights & Judiciary Committee know you support civil remedies for police accountability. (HB 1202)

DEADLINE: Jan 26 9:45am

A virtual public hearing for HB1202 will be held in the House Civil Rights and Judiciary Committee on Jan. 26. Please let them know that you support the bill at least an hour before the hearing starts.

HB1202 would hold peace officers accountable by creating a way to pursue legal action for police misconduct. This includes constitutional violations, torts and violations of state law such as the Keep Washington Working Act. Employers would be held liable for negligent hiring, training, supervising and disciplining of officers involved in misconduct.

This bill would also authorize the Attorney General’s office to investigate and bring suit, and would remove obstacles to civil liability such as qualified immunity, which has undermined justice for even the most egregious acts of misconduct.

Please sign in to the online hearing to note your position on HB 1202 as “Pro” (You are not signing up to speak.)

  1. Click Here https://app.leg.wa.gov/CSIRemote/Testimony/Form?chamber=house&meetingFamilyId=28407&agendaItemFamilyId=139005&remoteLocationId=52&testify=False

  2. From the drop down menu choose “Pro”

  3. Fill out the form.

Demand that your representative support the impeachment of Donald Trump

Demand that your representative support the impeachment of Donald Trump

Brought to you by Indivisible Guide

Contact your elected officials:

Rep. Herrera Beutler (CD3) | 202-225-3536 | Contact Form
Rep. Derek Kilmer (CD6) | 202-225-5916 | Contact Form
Rep. Adam Smith (CD9) | 202-225-8901 | Contact Form
Rep. Strickland (CD10) | 202-225-9740 | Contact Form

Donald Trump has spent the last four years doing everything in his power to destroy our democracy and its institutions. He has used the office of the presidency for his own personal gain and profit. He has not once, in his four years in office, shown an interest in running this country, except to the point that it might benefit himself, his businesses, or his own corrupt family.

When white supremacist forces supported Trump’s racist rhetoric and actions, he not only refused to condemn them, he called them “very fine people.” When he decisively lost his re-election bid in November 2020, he refused to concede. Instead, he called up state officials in Georgia to demand that they overturn Joe Biden’s legitimate victory in that state. His enablers in the Republican party allowed him to live in denial, all while whipping up their base to believe the fiction that the election was “rigged” and had been “stolen” from Trump. And on January 6, 2021, when the 117th Congress met to certify the election of Joe Biden to the presidency, the consequences of Donald Trump’s racism, corruption, and unhinged denial broke down the doors.

Thousands of Trump supporters, some of them apparently armed, overtook the Capitol and put the Vice President, U.S. Senators, and Representatives in the House in mortal danger. Trump stood by and said nothing for hours, before finally posting a video proclaiming to the insurrectionists who were occupying the Capitol that “I love you and you are all very special.”

This treasonous behavior cannot go unpunished. Donald Trump must be impeached, again. The House of Representatives must draw up articles of impeachment immediately and move quickly to vote on them and send them to the Senate for a speedy trial, where he must be convicted and disqualified from ever holding federal office again.


Hi, this is [NAME] from [CITY], a constituent. Get Trump our of there now, he is a danger to the country. Impeach him as fast as you possible can, then get Murray and Cantwell to do the same. Thank you.

Please let Indivisible Tacoma know you took this action!

Make Your Voice Heard in Olympia!  Join “Take Action Network.”

Make Your Voice Heard in Olympia! Join “Take Action Network.”

Lobby for Progressive Causes in the 2021 WA Legislative Session

Subscribe to Take Action Network SIGN UP HERE

Learn more about the Take Action Network (TAN)


Support Our State Legislative Advocacy Effort – Make a difference!

Did you know your legislators in Olympia take notice when you call? They count the emails you send. They are moving on crucial bills and need to hear from us right now.

When to call? Whom to call? Which key decision makers? Here’s an easy way to find out. Sign up to receive Calls To Action through TAN (Take Action Network.) TAN will filter for actions toward your own representative and your own priority issues. Be a part of the state-wide Indivisible coordinated activism for a real impact on the 2021 Session.

The statewide Indivisible group, Washington Indivisible Network is using an exciting new tool called “Take Action Network” this year to lobby for the progressive legislation we support.

Members can create an account and choose what types of bills they would like to be informed about.

You will be notified with a script for calling or emailing your legislator whenever these bills are at a key juncture.

It makes it quick and easy to make your voice heard. Members can also sign up to be bill trackers and create calls to action for bills.

“Take Action Network” links to leg.wa.gov, the official state legislative website and will make bill tracking and targeting the relevant committee members much easier.

If you have any questions or issues with signup, email  info@takeaction.network

Save Tacoma-Pierce Health Department!

Save Tacoma-Pierce Health Department!

You may have read about this Trump-like maneuver.

The County Council intends to break up the Health Department.  (Speculation: It looks as if they want to fire Dr. Chen and lift COVID restrictions. Pam Roach hates contact tracing and masks, and she has only a few weeks left on the Council.)

The Pierce County Council Republicans are trying to dissolve our health department in the middle of a pandemic!

On Dec 1, Pierce County Council Chair Doug Richardson scheduled Ordinance 2020-136 for a hearing sponsored originally by him and for unknown reasons changed to Council Member Pam Roach.

Ordinance 2020-136 would dismantle the Tacoma Pierce County Health Department, with an intent to consolidate it as a regular department of Pierce County under authority of the County Executive and County Council only.

This is a vast departure from the long-standing, independent Public Health Department, jointly governed by cities, towns, Pierce County and a medical professional – thus politicizing our local Health Department.

This ordinance came as a surprise to the Board of Health, The Health Department, and to their Tacoma partners. If passed, reversal is likely impossible.

A huge thank-you to all those who have worked to make these resources available, especially the Pierce Co Democrats from whom I shamelessly borrowed.

In this piece you will find:

  • speaking/writing points to use when communicating with the County Council
  • links to the elected officials
  •  information about a #SaveTPCHD Rally scheduled for Tuesday

Talk to friends and neighbors about joining the efforts, share the media report links and know that whatever you can do, is appreciated by those on the front lines.


Contact County Council Members and County Executive Bruce Dammeier NOW and until DECEMBER 15.

Tell them the politically-driven dismantling of our public health department during this roaring pandemic is reckless and dangerous.

1. E-mail: Council Contact Information | Pierce County, WA – Official Website
2. Comment Online on Proposed Ordinance No. 2020-136 (pierce.wa.us)


Don’t put politics before health.

The politically-driven dismantling of our public health department during this roaring pandemic is reckless and dangerous!

We need our public health workers focused on the pandemic, not politics.

This sudden move is a divisive distraction at the exact moment we all need to pull together and pull through.
A global pandemic is not the time to play politics with our healthcare.

No consultation, no community engagement.

The City of Tacoma was not consulted as a stakeholder and partner in this policy move, nor were any other cities or towns in Pierce County.

Healthcare workers, community members, and those who rely on Tacoma-Pierce Health Department the most were all shocked by this sudden and unexplained action.

This is a significant dissolution and reorganization of a half-century-old partnership that deserves more than ONE WEEK of discussion.

Bad idea, at the WORST time

This 11th hour surprise move weakens our efforts rather than strengthens them.

At a time that partnership and collaboration is so essential, this dissolves and weakens the ability for our county and city leaders to work with medical providers, educators, parents, workers and employers.

This move has ramifications for everything from drinking water and drug treatment and maternal health.
We are in a spike of a global pandemic; not the time for playing politics with healthcare. This should not be rushed.

We urge the Pierce County Executive and County Council to postpone further policy discussion and legislative action on this matter until such time that a full analysis and robust stakeholder engagement can be completed.
We request that County officials reach out to cities and towns, the medical community, educators, and other vital stakeholders to fully vet the implications of the decision to dissolve the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department prior to considering any legislation.

A final vote is scheduled on December 15, 2020.

Comment at Virtual Public Hearings:
Rules Committee Meeting
When: Monday, Dec. 7th 10:00 AM
Agenda: Meeting Agenda Dec. 7, 2020
Join: Open Zoom Link enter the Webinar ID: 945-1382-9108
Via Phone*: 253-215-8782

County Council Meeting
When: Tuesday, Dec. 8th 3:00 PM
Agenda:Council Document (pierce.wa.us)
Join: Open Zoom Link enter the Webinar ID: 976-6178-7423
Via Phone: 253-215-8782

County Council Meeting FINAL VOTE
When: Tuesday, December 15th, 3:00 PM
Agenda: TBD
Join: Open Zoom Link enter the Webinar ID: 976-6178-7423
Via Phone: 253-215-8782

*Chair calls for comment press *9 on your phone to “raise your hand”, which notifies the Zoom host you wish to speak. (Note: if you are using a cell phone and have been on the call for a while, you will need to “wake up” the screen before pressing *9).

Socially-distant Protest:

When: Tuesday, Dec. 8th 8-10AM
Where: Rear parking, County City Building (Meeting on Yakima Ave Parking lot)
930 Tacoma Ave S, Tacoma, WA 98402
What: Show up at our socially-distanced protest to let the County Council know that they are on notice: don’t play politics with our health! Masks and social distancing are required and we will have safety monitors in place to help prevent any potential spread.
Contact: Chelsea McElroy, chelseaanichole253@yahoo.com. For Media Inquiries: Jamie Smith, 253-334-5670, jaimesmith1@gmail.com
Facebook Link: Save the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department! | Facebook


Call Pierce County Executive Bruce Dammeier Now to #SaveTPCHD: 253-798-7477

Sign the Petition to #SaveTPCHD:

Sign to Save TPCHD and to Demand the Removal of Pam Roach’s Proposed Ordinance (No. 2020-136) from the Pierce County Council Agenda. (google.com)

Media Reports:

Joint Statement From Mayor and Health Board Chair – City of Tacoma

Pierce County considers terminating health department | Tacoma News Tribune (thenewstribune.com)

Pierce County’s attempt to seize health dept raises red flag | Tacoma News Tribune (thenewstribune.com)

Future of Tacoma-Pierce County Health Dept. suddenly in question (q13fox.com)

Stop Pierce County council from dissolving health department | Tacoma News Tribune (thenewstribune.com)

Social Media:

Speak out on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook with these hashtags!
#SaveTPCHD #DammeierDebacle

City of Tacoma Climate Justice Planning Survey

City of Tacoma Climate Justice Planning Survey

Photo from the 350 Tacoma “Rise Up” event in September 2018. It was a national day of action and several groups came together to make it happen.

City of Tacoma Climate Justice Planning Survey


What changes do you want to see for a more sustainable future?

How do we move away from Tacoma’s heavy carbon footprint?

Learn about the City’s 2020-2021 process:


Complete either the Survey or the Story Form.


Share this with family members and friends. Encourage young people to imagine a cleaner future! The more responses, the better.

Take Action!

Take Action!

Take Action This Week! Indivisible National recommends:

  1. Tell your Senators to urge Biden not to appoint corporatists to his cabinet. In the Executive Branch, personnel is key to getting any of a President’s agenda enacted. If we want to see significant progressive change, it starts with President-elect Biden appointing progressive leaders to his cabinet and to key administrative positions. While Biden’s picks require Senate confirmation, there are ways Biden can circumvent Mitch McConnell’s plans for obstruction. For more details, read our resource about building a progressive Biden administration. 
  2. Thank your progressive member of Congress. This letter template can be the first of many conversations with your member of Congress that thanks them for the work they’ve done and encourages them to pass bold, progressive legislation.
  3. Prepare for the work to come by reviewing our core priorities for 2021. Democracy reform is at the heart of the work we have to do to rebuild from the Trump years. Learn more about the issues we’ve identified as priorities for our work going forward.
Senator Patty Murray   253-572-3636
Senator Maria Cantwell 253-572-2281

Support the peaceful transfer of power. 

[Source: 5 Calls]

Call or email: General Services Administrator Emily Murphy (or her Chief of Staff Robert Borden) at 202-501-2472 or emily.murphy@gsa.gov.

Script: Hi, I’m from [ZIP] calling/writing to urge you to begin the official transition of presidential power to President-elect Biden as our democracy demands. Please immediately file the paperwork to release Congressionally-allocated transition funding and provide the incoming administration with the resources and support they need. Thank you.