Lobby for Progressive Causes in the 2021 WA Legislative Session

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Support Our State Legislative Advocacy Effort – Make a difference!

Did you know your legislators in Olympia take notice when you call? They count the emails you send. They are moving on crucial bills and need to hear from us right now.

When to call? Whom to call? Which key decision makers? Here’s an easy way to find out. Sign up to receive Calls To Action through TAN (Take Action Network.) TAN will filter for actions toward your own representative and your own priority issues. Be a part of the state-wide Indivisible coordinated activism for a real impact on the 2021 Session.

The statewide Indivisible group, Washington Indivisible Network is using an exciting new tool called “Take Action Network” this year to lobby for the progressive legislation we support.

Members can create an account and choose what types of bills they would like to be informed about.

You will be notified with a script for calling or emailing your legislator whenever these bills are at a key juncture.

It makes it quick and easy to make your voice heard. Members can also sign up to be bill trackers and create calls to action for bills.

“Take Action Network” links to leg.wa.gov, the official state legislative website and will make bill tracking and targeting the relevant committee members much easier.

If you have any questions or issues with signup, email  info@takeaction.network

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