Immigration Rights and Policy Panel Wednesday, November 13th -TONIGHT!

Immigration Rights and Policy Panel Wednesday, November 13th -TONIGHT!

IT General Meeting

What would it be like being separated from family members and constantly feeling afraid? Imagine this and it connects you to the hardships of our fellow humans who are immigrants. The rights of immigrants and refugees are human rights.

Join us tonight when we will meet presenters from three local groups who are acting every single day to protect and aid immigrants. Hear what they are doing in Pierce County now and how we can support their work

Giving feels right as we head into Winter. All three organizations welcome donations of money for their work. If you wish to bring a tangible gift for AID NW, we will have a basket for that! Examples: bags of chips or nuts, cans of soda, laundry soap, paper towels. 
You’ll Find Their Amazon Wish List at This Link 

AID NW welcomes and supports people affected by immigration detention by connecting them to vital resources and the community.

La Resistencia organizes and protests against the detention of immigrants and deportations, following the leadership of those detained, demanding better conditions – and now, a shutdown of the Detention Center.
Northwest Immigrant Rights Project supports those facing deportation inside the Northwest Detention Center, providing direct legal services and advocacy.

Indivisible Tacoma General Meeting – November 13
Tahoma Unitarian Universalist Church
1115 S 56th St, Tacoma, WA 98408
Wed, Nov 13, 6:30PM 

Thank your Rep. Event – November 8th
Lakewood Starbucks
6040 Main St. SW Lakewood                                                                                                                                  Nov. 8th, 4:00PM

GO4Action Team would like to thank everyone for supporting our events! Please join us in writing thank you cards to your Reps during Nov. Recess and delivering them to their office. Grab some friends to go with you or make calls together to thank them for supporting and voting for Impeachment. #ImpeachAndRemove

Sign up here and stay tuned for the Impeachment Action on the Eve of the Impeachment vote when we will show up in mass to demand 45 be Impeached and Removed from office. We are expecting the vote may be sometime in December but without a specific date we are asking that you register for the event so you will be updated as soon as we know. Like the Mueller events this action is being coordinated across the country but you will have the best info on local time and location by signing up for the event.

The House is currently out on recess, which means it’s a great time for you to make your voice heard in your home district! Here’s all the information you need to tell your members of Congress what you expect of them when they return to Washington:

  • Congress needs to vote to fund the government by November 21. The next deadline to avoid a government shutdown is November 21, and the pressure is turning up on Congress to act. The House and Senate will try to work to pass another short-term funding bill (known as a “continuing resolution,” or “CR”) that will last until December, January, or even later. We need to make sure Congress continues to hold strong against Trump’s racist immigration agenda by working to Defund Hate — check out our resources here!
  • The House will vote soon on its bill to bring down prescription drug prices. Lowering the cost of people’s medicine is rightly a top priority for Congress, and H.R. 3 — which is the House’s bill for doing so — needs to be as strong as possible to ensure it would improve people’s lives. Right now, it has some key gaps that would result in too many people spending too much for the drugs they need. Make sure to check out this document that includes a town hall question for any public events with your member, then call your member of Congress and tell them to improve H.R. 3, and use our leave-behind if you have a meeting with your member of Congress’s staff
  • Tacoma City Council vote on gun/ammunition tax, rescheduled for Tuesday, November 12, 5:00PM
  • SB5224, Advisory Votes Nuisance Bill Action:
    What was all that stuff on your ballot? Many voters do not understand the Advisory Votes, which are meaningless, and they probably feel overwhelmed with the dense text about multiple issues. This time, they were part of Tim Eyman’s anti-tax mischief.
    An Indivisible Tacoma member wrote a great letter to the TNT about this:
    Here’s an action you can take right now:
    Write to our legislators and urge them to take action this year. More info here.
  • Sample Script:
    I urge you to take action on the presence of “advisory votes” on our ballots. Candidates in important races have been pushed to the BACK of the ballot while these meaningless anti-tax measures are put front and center. This confuses voters, wastes tremendous amounts of revenue (up to $3 million if you include the voter’s pamphlet) and serves no purpose other than to spread anti-tax messaging.
    It is time to end this farce.
    I support SB5224 and I urge you to make it a priority in the upcoming legislative session. Thank you!
Tricky Initiatives… Proceed with Caution!

Tricky Initiatives… Proceed with Caution!

Indivisible Tacoma Election Recommendations

VOTE YES on R-88!    Join with other progressives to support R-88 (I-1000) that aims to restore fairness to historically marginalized communities, helping to reduce discrimination based on age, gender, LGBTQ, veterans, and people of color.

VOTE NO on I-976!    Progressive organizations are recommending NO on Tim Eyman’s initiative.  “I-976 would devastate our strained transportation system and cut funding that would otherwise go to expand light rail, maintain ferries, fix our roads and bridges, and fund local transit options.”  It would increase pollution and target funds serving vulnerable transit users such as seniors, veterans, children, and people with physical differences. (WA State Sierra Club)

VOTE YES on Joint Senate Resolution 8200 to allow emergency services to respond to all types of catastrophic incidents, not just enemy attack.

VOTE “MAINTAIN” on all Tim Eyman’s Advisory Votes EXCEPT #21 which gives tax preference to timber companies (FUSE WA).

Indivisible Tacoma sent questionnaires to all local candidates. Candidates who returned answers were considered by members for endorsement. Allies endorsed some other candidates who didn’t respond to IT.

Follow this link to read more about the candidates! 

To read our full newsletter, Click Here


Come and Be Heard at the FINAL LNG Hearing Tomorrow!

Come and Be Heard at the FINAL LNG Hearing Tomorrow!

We need your support to oppose the LNG plant at the LAST public hearing.

Final Public Hearing on Tacoma LNG Plant! 

Rally and March to the Hearing at 11:00 AM. Details Here

Last month, PSCAA announced their plan to issue the final permit required for PSE’s proposal, ignoring the latest science on fracked gas. This unacceptable decision disregards the climate, health, and safety impacts of this proposed fracked gas facility. On July 22nd, a 45 day comment period opened, and on August 27th there is a major public hearing in Tacoma.

This comment period and public hearing is precedent setting for how Washington state deals with fracked gas projects. We’re looking for support from Indivisible groups in the state to help. The Indivisible perspective will continue to strengthen the opposition to these facilities.

Can you help with any of the following?

1. Spread the word about the hearing! The room holds 500 people so we need lots of help telling folks. Scroll down, and you will find two email templates from the coalition that you are welcome to use or modify as you see fit.

Where: Rialto Theatre, 310 S 9th St, Tacoma WA 98402
When:  August 27th
Hearing 2-5pm & 6:30- 10pm
Native Daily Network’s Ancestral Waters 5pm
-Facebook for hearing
-Facebook for Ancestral Waters documentary that will be held in between the hearing sessions
-Carpool link
-Flyer and posted attached to help spread the word

2. Send someone to testify from your group/organization. If so, let me know ( if they can come to the afternoon or evening session so we can make sure we get them a slot.

3. Share the comment email with your list. Template is In this email below the hearing recruitment template. The more comments we get, the clearer message we send to PSCAA and the more attention we get from the media and other decision making bodies.

Please let me know what you all might be able to help with — anything makes a difference! Thank you!

Suzanne Greenberg (
Indivisible Vashon and the Vashon Climate Action Group

In This Week’s Newsletter:   

  • Final Public Hearing on LNG Plant
  • Launching Go4Action
  • This Weeks Actions
  • March for Our Lives Peace Plan
  • We the People March
  • Town Hall with Rep. Heck
  • MOC Meeting Reports
  • Voter Registration Team Update
  • We Need YOU!
  • Save the Dates!
  • About Indivisible Tacoma

  Hard at work! Many thanks to all helped with our Letter Writing Party last week!

Launching Go4Action!

     A Local Weekly Action for our Members and Allies…

Impeachment Action!                                                                            This Friday August 30th our GO4Action Team is meeting for an Impeachment Action at the Lakewood Public Library
Meet in the Lobby Area to get signs

GO4Action will meet from 5:00 – 6:00 PM
Lakewood Pubic Library
6300 Wildaire Road SW

 Telephone Town Hall!
Residents of the 6th District who would like to join the call can send an email to with their name, address, and phone number by Sunday, September 8. Residents who sign up before the deadline will receive a phone call on Monday, September 9 inviting them to the telephone town hall.

JOIN US on Monday, September 9th
GO4Action will join the Telephone Town Hall at 5:00 PM

And, so you don’t miss out join our Indivisible Tacoma Community Facebook Page to keep up on our upcoming events.  
                                                                     See you there!

This Week’s Actions… 

 Actions for August Recess…
      All Indivisible Members Can Take Action This Week!Right now, we have a just one more week to make some noise, while our MoCs are home for recess and the candidates are back on the trail, to elevate our issues and demonstrate our real political power. Let’s make it count.

  1. Get ready for the September funding fight by texting Defund Hate to 977-79. We’ll send you the latest updates on our plan for the Week of Action, and we’ll let you know when events are registered near you.
  2. Call your member of Congress right now at 1-844-909-0232 to tell them you demand that they cut funding for ICE and CBP in this September’s funding bill. We’ll give you a script and connect you directly with your representative’s office.
  3. Tell your Senators thoughts and prayers are not enough. After the mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton, every Senator should publicly demand Mitch McConnell call an emergency session to debate and vote on gun violence prevention legislation AND co-sponsor S.42 which would close loopholes and require background checks for all gun purchases.

1. Call Your Senators and say, “We need safe gun laws now!”

Script: Hello. I’m [First Name, Last Name], [Senators Name]’s constituent from [Zip Code].  You should publicly demand Mitch McConnell call an emergency session to debate and vote on gun violence and co-sponsor S.42 which would close loopholes and require background checks on all gun purchases.”

Here are their phone numbers: 
Senator Maria Cantwell  
 (253) 572-2281
Senator Patty Murray 
(253) 572-3636

Save the Date!!
Stay Tuned for more details to come here and on our Facebook page.

Indivisible Tacoma Town Hall
with Rep. Denny Heck a Big Success!

Approximately 120 people showed up to hear Congressman Heck speak and to ask questions. He spoke about his recent trip to the border and the impact it had on him. He also discussed economic issues and the work the House is doing to investigate Russia’s interference in our elections. After that Rep. Heck took questions directly from the audience for over an hour.  The questioners pressed hard on health care and fossil fuel issues. This entire event was live streamed and is available on the IT Community Facebook Page. 

Many thanks to all of our volunteers who made this event possible!

Indivisible MOC Meetings with Reps. Leavitt, Kilduff and O’Ban

IT Leg Action Team members from LD28 met with Reps. Christine Kilduff and Mari Leavitt on Aug 5th.  We thanked them for all the excellent bills passed in the 2019 WA Legislative session on Voting; Healthcare; Environment; Human Rights; Gun safety, Corporate Taxes, etc. We then addressed some of our interests for the 2020 Legislative session: Affordable housing issues; continued movement on strong environmental protections and our opposition to the LNG and other fossil fuel expansions; our opposition to ICE detentions centers & private prisons; concern about PFAS in JBLM water supplies; support for more movement toward single-payer healthcare, fair elections, and fair taxation with corporations paying their fair share.

On August 14th, Team members from LD28 met with Senator Steve O’Ban on Aug 14th, described IT’s values and goals, asked him what he is working on during the interim.  We questioned him about his vote on I-1000, the Affirmative Action Initiative (he voted NO in the Senate) and looked at areas such as mental health where we might have common ground We felt it was a good first meeting and intend to push him harder on issues we disagree on in future meetings.

Voter Registration – We’re Up and Running!

After successful events at In the Spirit, the Peoples’ Rally, and Tacoma Main Library among others, we are looking for people who can spend a couple of hours actively registering voters. The experience is rewarding — you build a heightened awareness of the importance of your vote, in everyone around. You have great conversations with an amazing cross-section of our fellow Tacomans.  You build people’s confidence in the ways that you can register and then track your ballot.  And you can directly register voters.  If you have never done this, we will be happy to pair you with an experienced volunteer.  Email to get connected.  

We are a 100% Volunteer Organization
and We Can Use Your Talents
Though our gains were encouraging after the mid-terms, we need to keep the pressure up to insure that we keep the House and take back the Senate and the White House in 2020.

In a typical week our newsletter and social media presence is reaching over 2,000 people and you can imagine how that keeps us busy.

If you want to make a difference, we have something for everyone! 

Love people? Join our Membership Team. Some of our bigger events like Town Halls and Candidate Debates attract over 100 people so we need extra help welcoming everyone. 

Enjoy Rallies and Community FairsOur Events and Voter Registration Teams are out and about year-round. We’re always looking for folks to staff our tables and help with event organization on the ground.  

Interested in Policy? Our Legislative Action Team Our Legislative Action Team informs membership about issues and plans meetings with our local and national representatives, pressing for Indivisible values.

Media, Tech and Graphics Savvy? Our Communications Team engages our members on most social media platforms, our website and newsletter and can always use help with keeping everyone up to date. 

If interested, email us at IndivisibleTacomaChapter@Gmail.Com

Save the Dates!

For more listings for Indivisible Tacoma and our progressive allies, check out our Calendar of Events. For the latest news, current events, actions, meetings, and discussions join our Indivisible Tacoma Community group on Facebook.

Indivisible Tacoma Events for Active Citizens in Pierce County

Fri, Aug 30th
Indivisible Tacoma GO4Action Team
Impeachment Action
Lakewood Public Library
6300 Wildaire Rd SW
Lakewood, WA 98499
Tues, Sept 3rd
IT Legislative Action Meeting
Tacoma Public Library
South Tacoma Branch
3411 S. 56th (near S. Tacoma Way)
Mon, Sept 9th
Indivisible Tacoma Steering Team 
Lakewood Public Library (note location)
Tues, Sept 10th
Indivisible Puyallup Monthly Meeting
Puyallup Public Library
324 S. Meridian
Wed, Sept 11th 6:30PM         
Indivisible Tacoma General Meeting
Green New Deal/Climate Strike Panel
Tahoma Unitarian Universalist Church
1115 S 56th St, Tacoma, WA 98408
Mon, Sept 16th 
Voter Registration & Engagement
University Place Library 
Sunday, Sept 18th We the People National March and Rally
More details to come. Website Here
Sunday, Sept 18th, 3:00PM Coffee with Rep. Jake Fey
Red Elm Cafe
1114 M.L.K. Jr Way, Tacoma, WA 98405

Other Important Meetings for Active Citizens in the
Greater Tacoma Area
Mon, Aug 26, 7PM               LD27 Monthly Meeting   
First United Methodist Church
Downtown, South 7th and Tacoma
Mon, Aug 26, 7PM              LD29 Monthly Meeting, 
3049 S. 36th St, Tacoma
Tues, Aug 27
Ancestral Waters – Documentary Screening  FREE
Urban Grace Church
902 Market Street, Tacoma
August 27th
2:00-5:00PM and
6:30 to 10:00PM
Final Public Hearing on the Tacoma LNG Plant Rialto Theatre
August 28th 6:00PM Tenants Rights Workshop
Southlake Shore Christian Church, Tacoma
August 31st
Family Fest Back To School Event
Peoples Park
Hair Cuts and School Supplies
Tues, Sept 3th, 5:30PM Town Hall with Derek Kilmer
Peninsula High School Auditorium
14105 Purdy Dr. NW
Gig Harbor, WA 98332
Thurs, Sept 5th, 6:30PM          LD28 Democrats Monthly Meeting
Roundtable Pizza
Tues, Sept 10th
LD25 Democrats Monthly Meeting
Puyallup Public Library
324 S. Meridian 
Thurs, Sept 12th, 7:00PM           Pierce County Democrats 
3049 S. 36th St, Tacoma
Thurs, Sept 12th
Democratic Presidential Debates in Houston
TV Channel: ABC
Thurs, Sept 12th 
UP City Council Candidate Forum
Curtis HS Theatre, University Place
Sun, Sept 22, 10AM     Rosa Parks/Eleanor Roosevelt
Champagne Brunch
South Sound Democrats Fundraiser & Auction
Pacific Lutheran University
Buy tickets HERE
Got questions? Email us at:  IndivisibleTacomaChapter@Gmail.Com

About Indivisible Tacoma & How You Can Help

You’re on this email list because you signed up online or at one of our events. You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list anytime.

 Volunteer Needs
Currently we have a particular need for volunteers to help with Communications and our Membership Teams. If this is an interest for you, send us a text (253-297-0510) or email IndivisibleTacomaChapter@Gmail.Com.  
Indivisible Tacoma’s mission is to promote social and environmental justice and democracy through representative government on all levels. We are citizen lobbyists and social activists resisting the Trump agenda and holding our local lawmakers and public officials accountable. We are non-partisan and wholly inclusive in our membership.  Want to donate? Or get more involved? Visit our website for more info. Indivisible Tacoma is entirely staffed by volunteers and runs on a shoestring. That’s why we love it when people help. We’d also like to thank all of you who’ve donated. The funds go to print signs and fliers and other materials, host our general meetings, set up voter registration booths, and run our website, email list, and other items.
Let’s Close the Camps ? Spark Lights for Liberty

Let’s Close the Camps ? Spark Lights for Liberty

Reports on the human rights abuses in Donald Trump’s concentration camps get worse with each passing day. In fact, Dr. Dolly Lucio Sevier, a physician who visited the camps, told PBS:

“Basically, what we saw are dirty children who are malnourished, who are being severely neglected. They are being kept in inhumane conditions. They are essentially being warehoused, as many as 300 children in a cell, with almost no adult supervision.”

And make no mistake. The cruelty, neglect, and poor treatment of innocent children is intentional. The White House — and its GOP enablers — aim to strike terror in the hearts of our refugees and immigrant communities.

That’s why this week’s actions focus on their plight, and why we must urge our reps to close the camps.


In This Week’s Update…

Also, for a complete list of events for IT and our local allies, check out our Calendar of Events page.  Want that latest news, current events, actions, meetings, and discussions? Join our lively Indivisible Tacoma Community group on Facebook.


This Week’s Actions

This week, we’ll call our members of Congress and hold demonstrations in front of their offices. We’ll then join in Lights of Liberty events next week in support of our immigrants and refugees. For more information, read on.

Close the Camps! Tuesday July 2 12pm in front of Rep. Derek Kilmer's Office.

1. Call ☎️ Your Members of Congress and Say, “Close the Camps!”

The House has the “power of the purse.” This allows our members of Congress to push back on Team Trump’s human rights abuses by withholding funds. In this case, the White House claims they can’t afford basics for children in their concentration camps… Like beds, soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo, and diapers.

The GOP-led Senate and the Democratic-led House each had their own versions of a humanitarian aid bill. So why did Reps Derek Kilmer (D-6), Denny Heck (D-10), and Kim Schrier (D-8) vote for the Senate version instead of the House version? We all know that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s (R-Ky.) version doesn’t hold the Trump administration accountable for the funds. The House version backed by Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) had stronger safeguards in place. 

Demand that Kilmer, Heck, and Schrier explain why they caved to the GOP instead of sticking up for refugee kids. And if you’re in Rep. Adam Smith (D-9)’s district, thank him ❤️ for voting against the Senate bill!

Script: Hello. I’m [First Name, Last Name], [Rep.’s Name]’s constituent from [Zip Code]. I wanted you to vote for the House version of the bill for supplemental funding, not the Senate version. I also want you to make every effort to close U.S. detention centers, end family separation, and the Trump administration’s concentration camps on the border.

Here are their phone numbers: Rep. Derek Kilmer (D-6) 253-272-3515 | Rep. Adam Smith (D-9) 425-793-5180 | Rep. Denny Heck (D-10) 253-533-8332 | Rep. Kim Schrier (D-8) 202-225-7761

2. Join Us for the ? Close the Camps! Rally

This Tuesday, July 2, we’ll gather at 12:00 p.m. at our reps’ offices, while they’re home for July 4th, & make these demands:
  • Close the human concentration camps
  • Not one dollar more for family detention and deportation
  • Bear witness and reunite families.
So far, we know of one action planned. Please bring signs!
Rep. Derek Kilmer’s Office
July 2, 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
950 Pacific Ave., Tacoma
If Derek Kilmer’s not your rep., click the link below to find an action or start one. If you’ve never done this before, no worries. When you sign up, the site will give you all the info you need.

Photo of lit candles in dark.

 ? Lights for Liberty: Actions to End Our Human Concentration Camps

Please Join the Washington Immigrants Solidarity Network (WAISN) and La Resistencia/NWDC Resistance for the following events on Friday evening and Saturday afternoon, July 12th and 13th. These events seek to shed light on the deplorable conditions and daily fear our immigrant community members face.

 ? Lights for Liberty, Candlelight Vigil, Friday June 13th, 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.: Thousands of us will gather in locations around the world to reflect and protest the inhumane conditions faced by refugees. Please bring candles and signs. Join us at Union Station/the U.S. District Court House. Address: 1717 Pacific Ave. In downtown Tacoma. Map.

? Spotlight on Detention, Saturday, July 13th 12:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.:  Let detainees know they’re not alone. Join us in showing solidarity with and support for them and their families at the Northwest Detention Center in Tacoma. Activities will include call and response, music, pen pals, fundraising for commissary gifts, and more. This family-friendly event is hosted by La Resistencia/NWDC Resistance.  Address: 1623 E J St, Tacoma. Map

Also co-sponsored by Seattle Indivisible, Seattle Womxn Marching Forward, Demand Democracy Seattle, Refuse Fascism, Indivisible Tacoma, and Wallingford Indivisible.

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Save the Dates! Upcoming IT Meetings & Events

This is a jam-packed month with our Legislative Action team meeting, a meeting with LD 27’s Laurie Jinkins and Jake Fey, our general meeting, and a picnic. For more listings for Indivisible Tacoma and our progressive allies, check out our Calendar of Events.

Legislative Action Team Meeting

Get involved in creating positive change by meeting with and contacting our members of Congress (MoCs), senators, and state lawmakers.

Monday, July 1, 6:00 p.m.
Lakewood Library
 6300 Wildaire Rd SW, Lakewood

Photos of Wa. State Reps. Jake Fey and Laurie Jinkins for LD 27.

27th LD Meeting with State Reps. Jake Fey and Laurie Jinkins

Tuesday, July 9th 2:00 p.m.
The Red Elm Cafe
1114 Martin Luther King Jr. Way, Tacoma

Are you in the 27th legislative district (LD)? If so, join us for coffee and a meet and greet with our Washington State Reps. Laurie Jinkins and Jake Fey. They’ll tell us what’s going on in the state legislature and we’ll share our hopes and concerns.

July General Meeting ? Disinformation and Elections

With featured speaker Desiree Williams Finch from FUSE Washington
Pierce County and the Progressive Voters’ Guide

Weds. July 10, 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Tahoma Unitarian Universalist Congregation
1115 S 56th St Tacoma, Wash.
Map with Directions.

Indivisible Tacoma Picnic

Monday, July 15th, 5:00 p.m.
Kobayashi Park
University Place (across the intersection for Fred Meyers on Bridgeport

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Fighting Disinformation ? in Elections

Fighting Disinformation ? in Elections

Let’s talk about one of our nation’s greatest threats: Disinformation. Since childhood, teachers and other adults in our lives have sung the glories of our “Free Press.” But how free is it, really?

Disinformation in U.S. elections is rampant, and it’s not just the Russians. We know the White House and Fox News are always hard at work spinning a tangled, sticky web of lies. But we also absorb an endless barrage of untruths and half-truths from sources we trust.

Where Does Disinformation Come From?

Sometimes they come from the well-meaning friend or family member who shares stirring stories of dubious provenance on social media. But more often, they come from our major news outlets. They utter no outright falsehoods, of course. Yet they steer the conversation in subtle ways.

For instance, they give climate change deniers air time, which lends weight to their views. They show yearbook photos for white teenage crime suspects and mugshots for teenage crime suspects of color. Popular programs that exist successfully in every modern nation except ours — like Single Payer healthcare, green energy initiatives, tuition-free education, paid family leave, and a living minimum wage — are routinely dismissed as “too expensive,” “unrealistic,” or — heaven forbid! — “Socialist.”

So how do we educate and prepare ourselves, our loved ones, and our neighbors for disinformation in the upcoming elections? Desiree Williams Finch from FUSE Washington will give a talk on this at our upcoming General Meeting on Weds. July 10th.


In This Week’s Update…


What’s New

We’re all abuzz here with last week’s happenings. We held a well-attended rally to impeach Trump, joined the NWDC Resistance in a Father’s Day protest against family separation and immigrant detentions, and attended a jam-packed voter outreach gathering with Pierce County Democrats.

If Your Door’s a-Knockin’, ? Pierce County Democrats  ? Are a-Rockin’

House Democrats passed a slew of popular bills this year. Meanwhile, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) sits on them while watching his ratings sink lower and lower by the day. The Washington State Legislature’s been even busier, passing landmark legislation for a Public Option, Tribal Voting Rights, Orca Recovery, and 100% Clean Electricity by 2045. And, of course, Gov. Jay Inslee signed them. ? Thank you, Jay Inslee.

And There’s More Where That Came From…

Several of us from Indivisible Tacoma joined a jam-packed crowd at the IBEW 76 Hall for the Pierce County Democrats’ big outreach kickoff event. We’re not asking folks for their votes yet, but it’s never too early to start touching base. For now, it’s all about knocking on doors and making phone calls to chat with neighbors about what’s most important for our communities.

Desiree Williams Finch from FUSE Washington (The Progressive Voters’ Guide – front row, right ) gave a rousing speech on getting out the vote and getting all of us — including people of color and LGBTQ folks — onboard in our efforts to turn Pierce County Blue. Jaimie Smith (front row, second from right), a teacher from Puyallup’s LD 25, then talked about how doorbelling, phone calls, and postcards can make all the difference in a race. She ought to know. In a closely-fought race against Kelly Chambers, a formidable GOP incumbent, Smith, a novice, lost by just 611 votes. Several other folks running in local races also gave inspiring speeches.

We then split up and knocked on doors for a couple of hours. But instead of talking about the election, we asked about people want for themselves and our communities. Healthcare, housing, and helping the homeless emerged as top concerns. Neighbors also talked about everything from potholes to schools to jobs, transit, schools, climate change, and long commutes.

When we returned, Pierce County Democrats fed us lunch. Then Rep. Derek Kilmer (D-6) came by and regaled us with all the bills he and his fellow House Democrats passed this year.

The People’s Court Rules: It’s ⏰ Time to Impeach ? (Rally)

On Saturday, June 15, around 100 Indivisibles gathered at the U.S. District Courthouse in downtown Tacoma to demand the House impeach the GOP’s president. We were all in high spirits, did lots of protest chants, got lots of approving (and disapproving) honks from cars passing by, and so many of us had amazing signs. Thank you to all who turned out!

Here are some photos.

La Resistencia (NWDC Resistance) – Father’s Day Action

On father’s day, we get together with our dads and granddads to share gifts, fun, love, and memories. But some families can’t be together on this special day.

La Resistencia held an event to tell ICE and the for-profit GEO Group that owns the Northwest Detention Center (NWDC) that Father’s Day should be spent at home with family and community – and NOT in prison! They held a rally to fundraise for Saja Tunkara, who, as described on the GoFundMe page,

“… was ripped away from his wife and two children and then deported after calling out the medical neglect and mistreatment of ICE and GEO. Saja is still in need of medical care. All funds will support him and his family.”

If you missed the event, you can still donate here:

Here are the photos:

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Save the Dates! Upcoming IT Meetings

Over the next couple of weeks, we’re having meetings for our Voter Registration team and Legislative Action team. Also, we’ve got our General Meeting with Desiree Williams Finch from Fuse and a fun and social picnic coming up.

Voter Registration and Engagement Meeting

Voter Registration 2020 Kickoff - Photo of "Vote" written on sidewalk with V formed by person standing with red white and blue sneakers.

The last day to vote for our local primary election is on August 6, 2019. And the 2020 contests will be here before you know it. We apologize for not getting this e-newsletter reminder out in time meeting. But you can still involved. Our state’s new voting laws make this an exciting time to get our friends, family, and neighbors registered to vote.

If you couldn’t come to the meeting but would like to be included in future activities, contact Nina Rook via our contact form and we’ll keep you in the loop.

Monday, June 24, 6:15 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
University Place Library Meeting Room
3609 Market Place West
University Place

At the Voter Registration and Engagement team meeting, we discussed the following:
  • Update on progress since last month’s successful kick-off
  • Plan registration activities over the summer
  • Plan how to support pre-registration in schools and colleges
  • Learn how to use IT’s dedicated MyVote voter registration link, and help people to register themselves online
  • Explore instances where paper registrations are better than online
  • Find ways to drive actual turnout. How do we get the ballot off the kitchen table and into the (free!) mail?

Do you — or someone you know — want to check and see if your registered to vote or if your information is current? If so, click our Register to Vote link. And once again, this is a super exciting time to get involved in getting voters registered for the 2019 local elections and the 2020 state and national elections.

Once again, because we can’t recommend this highly enough: If you’d like to get involved, contact Nina Rook via our contact form

Legislative Action Team Meeting

Image with colorful raised hands and talk balloons. Indivisible Tacoma - General Meeting, events, actions, and MoC Meetings.

Get involved in creating positive change by meeting with and contacting our members of Congress (MoCs), senators, and state lawmakers.

Monday, July 1, 6:00 p.m.
Lakewood Library
 6300 Wildaire Rd SW, Lakewood

27th LD Meeting with State Reps. Laurie Jinkins and Jake Fey

Photos of Wa. State Reps. Jake Fey and Laurie Jinkins for LD 27.

Washington State Reps. Jake Fey and Laurie Jinkins (D-27).

Tuesday, July 9th 2:00 p.m.
The Red Elm Cafe
1114 Martin Luther King Jr. Way, Tacoma

Are you in the 27th legislative district (LD)? If so, join us for coffee and a meet and greet with our Washington State Reps. Laurie Jinkins and Jake Fey. They’ll tell us what’s going on in the state legislature and we’ll share our hopes and concerns.

July General Meeting ? Disinformation and Elections

Desiree Wilkins Finch from FUSE Washington.

With featured speaker Desiree Williams Finch from FUSE Washington
Pierce County and the Progressive Voters’ Guide

Weds. July 10, 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Tahoma Unitarian Universalist Congregation
1115 S 56th St Tacoma, WA 98408
Map with Directions.

Indivisible Tacoma Picnic

Monday, July 15th, 5:00 p.m.
Kobayashi Park
University Place (across the intersection for Fred Meyers on Bridgeport

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This Week’s Actions

The bad news is Donald Trump’s still in the White House. The good news is we can all resist and push for positive change no matter how much or little time we have this week. We’ll do it together, one action at a time. Need your rep.’s phone number? We’ve got ’em.

  1. Tell your member of Congress to vote NO on additional funding for Trump’s deportation machine. ⏏️
    Next week, the Democratic-controlled House will vote on a bill to provide additional funding to the Department of Homeland Security. The Senate will vote on its own bill, which will contain nearly $5 billion for DHS. We need our members of Congress to stand up and refuse to give Trump more money to terrorize communities and lock up families.
  2. Keep the pressure up on your MoC to open an impeachment inquiry. ?
    We need to make it clear that the momentum from the events on June 15 isn’t going to let up; call your MoC and tell them the time is now to open an impeachment inquiry (and when you’re done calling, submit a letter to the editor, write a note to your MoC, and record a video).
  3. Submit a video asking your question for the 2020 candidates!  ?
    We’ve set up a Soapboxx landing page so you and your members can create short videos about the presidential debates next week. We’ve created quick prompts for questions to ask before, during and right after the debates to ask the candidates. Share the Soapboxx page and invite your members to make their own video telling candidates what issues they want to hear about.
  4. Sign up to attend a debate watch party on June 26-27. ?
    Indivisibles across the country will be gathering on June 26 and 27 in living rooms, restaurants, and bars to cheer on our candidates and push for a nominee who truly represents our values. Find an event with your local Indivisible chapter today or host your own and invite your friends!

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Featured Events

Below are some upcoming events and happenings with our progressive allies. For more listings, check out our Calendar of Events.

26th LD Democrats Presidential Debate Nights at the IMAX

Wednesday, June 26 and Thursday, June 27, 6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Watch both nights of the 2019 Democratic Presidential Candidate Debates with your friends and neighbors on a giant 70 ft x 40 ft screen at the Gig Harbor Galaxy Uptown IMAX Theater.   Co-Sponsors: 26th Legislative District Democrats and 28th Legislative District Democrats Co-hosts: Pierce County Democratic Central Committee, Kitsap County Democratic Central Committee Tickets:

Race Matters Book Club

Wednesday, June 26⋅6:30 – 8:30pm
Monthly on the fourth Wednesday, until Jun 25, 2020
Tahoma Unitarian Universalist Congregation
1115 S 56th St, Tacoma

Lights for Liberty Vigil

Friday July 12, 2019
7:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.
Northwest Detention Center
1623 East J Street, Tacoma

On Friday, July 12th, 2019, Lights for Liberty: A Vigil to End Human Detention Camps, will bring thousands of Americans to detention camps across the country, into the streets and into their own front yards, to protest the inhumane conditions faced by refugees.

Other key events are planned in Homestead, Fla.; San Diego, Calif., New York City at Foley Square, and Washington D.C. in front of the Capitol Building

350 Tacoma Open House

Sunday, July 14, 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
311 Puyallup Avenue, Tacoma

Come down and join us as we celebrate our beautiful new headquarters and community space with an open house. We are thrilled about the endless possibilities this space offers and to have a home base to continue to grow a meaningful community centered on the climate movement in the South Puget Sound.

We will provide food, beverages, and music. This is a drop-in event, but at 3:50 p.m. Puyallup Tribal Council Member Tim Reynon will offer a blessing over the space and we will take a group photo to commemorate the event and celebrate our community.

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