Indivisible Tacoma Election Recommendations

VOTE YES on R-88!    Join with other progressives to support R-88 (I-1000) that aims to restore fairness to historically marginalized communities, helping to reduce discrimination based on age, gender, LGBTQ, veterans, and people of color.

VOTE NO on I-976!    Progressive organizations are recommending NO on Tim Eyman’s initiative.  “I-976 would devastate our strained transportation system and cut funding that would otherwise go to expand light rail, maintain ferries, fix our roads and bridges, and fund local transit options.”  It would increase pollution and target funds serving vulnerable transit users such as seniors, veterans, children, and people with physical differences. (WA State Sierra Club)

VOTE YES on Joint Senate Resolution 8200 to allow emergency services to respond to all types of catastrophic incidents, not just enemy attack.

VOTE “MAINTAIN” on all Tim Eyman’s Advisory Votes EXCEPT #21 which gives tax preference to timber companies (FUSE WA).

Indivisible Tacoma sent questionnaires to all local candidates. Candidates who returned answers were considered by members for endorsement. Allies endorsed some other candidates who didn’t respond to IT.

Follow this link to read more about the candidates! 

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