Our Accomplishments

We’ve been busy!

Check out our Accomplishments below:


STEERING TEAM:  Ellen Floyd & Julie Andrzejewski, Co-Chairs

Treasurer:  Carol Weymouth          

Legislative Action Team:  Liz Scott & Linda Hood

Voter Registration and Engagement Team:  Nina Rook

Go4Action Team:  Damita O’Dell         

Membership:  Pat Curran

Communications Team:  Sue Schaeffer & Kathy Porter

IT helped secure victories in these National, State, and Local offices:

President Biden/VP Harris; Gov. Jay Inslee, AG Bob Ferguson, State Treasurer Mike Pellicciotti,

Superintendent of Public Instruction, Chris Reykdal, Commissioner of Public Lands Hilary Franz,

WA Supreme Court Justices Raquel Montoya-Lewis and G. Helen Whitener.

Congressional members Derek Kilmer (CD6), Kim Schrier (CD8), Adam Smith (CD9).

Local:  LD28 Senate: T’wina Nobles (defeated Steve O’Ban), Reps. Mari Leavitt & Dan Bronoske

            All Democratic WA Legislators in LD27 and LD29

            Pierce County Council District 4: Ryan Mello; District 6: Jani Hitchen (to flip PCC blue)

See Elections Report here:  https://indivisibletacoma.net/election-roundup/


(Legislative Action Team and Voter Registration and Engagement Team)

Indivisible Tacoma In Person Town Halls 2020:

January: AG Bob Ferguson, APCC  – Coordinated by Indivisible Tacoma, with Indivisibles from Olympia, Puyallup, Lacey, Kirkland, South Sound, Gig Harbor, Vashon

February:  Pierce County Council Primary Democrats at TUUC – Indivisibles Tacoma/Puyallup

March: Pellicciotti and Tarleton planned for March 15 but COVID restrictions made us creative!

WA Indivisible Virtual Town Halls 2020 (IT Legislative Action, WIN, WSIP)

  • A Collaboration of Indivisible Tacoma, WA Indivisible Network, and WA State Indivisible Podcast offered from April 15 – December 2020

  • Featured progressive and Democratic candidates for statewide and key LD races (identified by Indivisible Vashon)

  • Reached approximately 15,000 listeners – and likely thousands more unknown as they were shared on terrestrial radio stations and social media.

  • Statewide candidates hosted: AG Bob Ferguson, Gael Tarleton for SOS, Mike Pellicciotti for State Treasurer, Marko Liias for Lt. Governor, Chris Reykdal for Sup’t of Public Instruction, Hilary Franz for Commissioner of Public Lands, Derek Kilmer (CD6), Kim Schrier (CD8), Adam Smith (CD9), Susan DelBene (CD1), and Indivisible-endorsed candidate Beth Doglio for CD10.

  • Key Democratic candidates for WA State Legislature from LDs around the state.

“The Indivisible Tacoma Legislative action team is focused on lobbying our local, state and federal elected officials to further progressivecauses. We meet regularly with our legislators, research and lobby for progressive legislation and evaluate candidates forendorsement. We seek to inform our members about the candidates and about legislative issues.”

Voter Registration

  • Conducted 24 live voter registration sessionsat Tacoma Public Libraries (Main + 3 branches), Tacoma Community College, UP Library and the MLK events, ending March 6

  • Trainedstudents at Clover Park High School in voter registration; provided training and curriculum materials to SOTA social studies teacher

  • Missing Voters Campaign: we developed a postcard and hand-picked list directed at households in south and east Tacoma where no voters were registered – totaled 750 cards

  • Voter Registration Yard Signs: Developed, fund raised, distributed and placed 100 yard signs with voter registration QR code and information, branded with Indivisible Tacoma logo

Voter Engagement Postcard Writing Campaign

About 100 members wrote and mailed 7 batches of Reclaim Our Vote postcards, totaling 17,500 cards, including 4,994 cards in support of the Georgia Senatorial runoff.

We also redirected 750 cards that could not be used by the RoV cut-off date to the Blue Revolution campaign.

Many of our writers completed multiple batches and their efforts were supported by a core logistics team.

Almost 4000 additional postcards were written in support of the Democratic candidates in LD25.

  • Focused on Reclaim Our Vote, written to potential voters in Southern states, using criteria and messaging developed by organizations in the target counties.

  • Designed program so people in quarantine or isolation could do everything from home.

  • Provided materials (postcards, labels, addresses, scripts, gel pens, stamps as required)

  • Materials could be picked up or we delivered, from Fife to Olympia

  • Separated writing effort from ability to pay for postage; fund raised to pay for stamps. About $6,500 in postage alone was either donated or contributed.

  • Developed simple online systems for recruitment, registration for batches, and fundraising

“We work locally and nationally to register voters and promote turn-out. We focus on first-time voters, underserved communities and
people in danger of disenfranchisement. 2020 saw us pivot from tried and true in-person events, to major postcarding campaigns to
red states, postcarding to local “missing voters“ and developing local voter registration yard signs and we anticipate new challenges
ahead for 2021.”


Legislative Action developed a detailed endorsement process and a member survey where IT endorsed many candidates, including Beth Doglio for CD10 Representative. 

After Olympia and Puyallup also endorsed Beth, IO submitted papers to receive National Indivisible Endorsement.

Letters to the Editor


Legislative Action generated approximately 40 LTEs for/against candidates, many were published in the TNT, the Suburban Times, The Reflector (Vancouver).

Phone Calls


Indivisible Tacoma made tens of thousands of phone calls for local, state, and national candidates, particularly for Beth Doglio (CD10), T’wina Nobles (LD28 Senate), Mari Leavitt and Dan Bronoske (LD28 House), Gael Tarleton (SOS), Mike Pellicciotti (Treas)

Text Banks 

Indivisible Tacoma members trained and texted for T’wina Nobles and other progressive candidates – over 80,000 texts.



Put up and monitored elections signs for Democratic candidates up and down the ballot in Tacoma, University Place, Lakewood, Steilacoom, Dupont, and Pierce County.

Convinced Pellicciotti and Tarleton to give us 250 old signs that we repaired/repurposed for Tacoma/Pierce Cty.



Indivisible does not solicit donations for candidates or parties. 

However, individual members reported hosting or attending fundraising events and donating to candidates of their choice. 

Rallies and Protests IT Initiated or Joined:

  • Poor People’s Campaign – Seattle Jan 19th

  • FAIR Trial Rally – Tacoma during the impeachment hearings – Jan 25th

  • Attend Lobby Days at the WA State Legislature – WA Dems Lobby Day – Jan 17th, ACLU Lobby Day – Jan 28th, Indivisible Lobby Day- Feb 18th

  • Women’s March and PCC March online – March

  • Black Lives Matter Rallies/Protests: Beginning in July, IT members joined multiple events continuing through the Summer and Fall.

  • Ally Meetings and trainings to Support POC: Political Strategy and Social Justice Committees for better allyship – Beginning August

  • Save the Post Office Rally – Lakewood Post Office – September

  • Election Observer Training – September

  • Protect the Vote preparations and Criminal Justice Academy – October

  • R-90 Twitter Rally with state groups supporting sex education bill

  • LNG – Stand with the Puyallup Tribe online event

  • Tacoma Climate Emergency – People Over Profits – December 10th with over 20 groups to demand action from the Tacoma City Council on climate.

  • Tacoma/Pierce County Health Dept – December 1-15th Save the TPCHD from dissolution by the lame duck Republican PCC members on behalf of developers. 

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in aninescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects onedirectly, affects all indirectly.” MLK

Liaison with Indivisible National and Indivisible National People of Color Caucus – monthly.

Collaboration with Communications on Social Justice Website page.


Social Media Platforms

Social Media Accounts Were Updated and Streamlined.

Our Social Media Platform followers reached 5554 by December 2020.

“Through Twitter, Facebook, newsletters, blogposts and our website, the IT Communications Team takes the myriad of messaging fromall of our Teams and packages them into a coherent brand across our platforms. We get the word out!”

Website –  indivisibletacoma.net  

  • Website completely revamped and configured to work in conjunction with our MailChimp newsletters.

  • Created and Launched a New Social Justice Page with Resources for Justice (in response to killings by police and inspired by Black Lives Matter mobilizations)












Email Newsletter and Mailing List    

  • Created newsletters for over 700 subscribers in Mailchimp 

Posted numerous IT events to National calendars for promotion –  https://indivisible.org/events

2020 Legislative Agenda and Bill Tracking:  

See IT Legislative Agenda here: https://indivisibletacoma.net/indivisible-tacoma-agenda/       

Bills that we helped pass:  Restricting Suction Dredge Mining; Protecting Patient Care; Tenant Installation Payments;  Reduce Youth Solitary Confinement; Sex Education in Schools; Restricting weapons in parks, libraries, etc.; Zero Emission Vehicles (Clean Car Standards).

Member of Congress (MOC) Meeting: CD10 Rep. Denny Heck staff, June 22 – Justice in Policing

“The Indivisible Tacoma Legislative action team is focused on lobbying our local, state and federal elected officials to further progressivecauses. We meet regularly with our legislators, research and lobby for progressive legislation and evaluate candidates forendorsement. We seek to inform our members about the candidates and about legislative issues.”

2021 WA Legislative Action:   Member of WA Legislature (MOWL) Meetings:

Take Action Network Training for Bill Tracking and Activism:  https://bit.ly/TAN-IT-Signup-PDF

  • LD28 Rep. Dan Bronoske on November 24, 2020 Topic:   Bronoske’s agenda for 2021 Legislature and how congruent is it with Indivisible values.

  • LD28 Rep. Mari Leavitt on December 15, 2020 Topic:  Same as above.

Membership Contact Information:

We increased the amount and reliability of our member contact information to best communicate with them, using email, phone, and instant messaging.  Members must agree to get the email newsletter.  We continue to clean and update this significant information. 


Membership Districts:

We gathered more accurate information about member LDs, CDs, and Pierce County Districts, thereby more accurately identifying members as constituents of particular electeds.

“By providing a welcoming environment, Membership works to keep our members informed and engaged on issues and actions in atimely manner and encourages active participation in our democracy by providing opportunities for volunteering and participation.

We continue to meet the challenges virtually in 2021 to keep our members engaged through phone calls, email, IM and personal notecards.”

Individual Notifications:

Membership has alerted new members how to join the newsletter, come to an event, Town Hall or options for volunteering.  In 2020, Steering members used a list of members to contact for special events and find out how we can best help increase their citizen participation.


Member Social and Check-in Meetings:

November 10th and December 28th

Democratic LDs & Pierce County:  

IT started as a non-partisan organization, but as we developed our own values and policy agenda we came to realize that we have very little in common with  Republicans and their platform, and much in common with the Democratic Party Platform.  By working with local Democratic Organizations over the last few years, we maximized common goal achievement.  All involved organizations were consequently expanded, enriched, and strengthened.


Gun Safety: Letter to Mayor Victoria Woodards on intimidation and firearms in City Council, May 4


La Resistencia – Immigrant Rights Letter – Free Them All

to Mayor Woodards to free everyone at the NWDC, May 17


350 Tacoma Climate Emergency Letter and Event

to hold the Tacoma City Council accountable for the promises made one year ago. Dec. 2020

Indivisible Tacoma Report 2019

Reorganization Work – (November 2018) thru 2019

Nov 2018   General Meeting to propose reorganization plan, garner suggestions and member permission.

Jan-Apr 2019   Reorganization of IT Steering Team to comprise Chairs of Working Teams (Legislative Action, Membership & Outreach, GO4Action,Voter Registration & Engagement, Communication & Technology) plus Treasurer and Secretary. Adopted Values Agreement, new Mission Statement, and studied Indivisible 2.0

Mar-now   Regularized meetings, normalized processes, identified tasks & responsibilities

Jan-June     Completely re-organized financial records, bank accounts, debit cards, Trulink account, etc.

Apr-June    Purchased curtains for Tahoma Unitarian Universalist Church for heat control

July-Dec     Revised newsletter and website, increased membership, sponsored actions and monthly mtgs


General Membership Meetings (*Live Streaming)

Mar 20       Indivisible Tacoma Rise and Run – Recruit candidates for 2019/20 & 2-year Birthday Party


May 1         *Julie Anderson, Pierce County Auditor -Impact & Implementation -New WA Voting Laws

June 5         *Tacoma Liquid Natural Gas Plant: Environmental Benefit or Tragedy – 350Tacoma.org Bradley Thompson and Dan Villa

July 10        Disinformation Watch & Progressive Voters Guide – FUSE WA Desiree Wilkins Finch,

July 15        Indivisible Tacoma Picnic at Kobayashi Park in UP

July 30/31  Democratic Presidential Debate Watch and Potluck with 350 Tacoma, 311 Puyallup Ave

Aug 21        *Rep. Denny Heck Town Hall with Indivisible Tacoma over 120 attendees

Sept 11       *Green New Deal & Climate Strike Panel: Sunrise Movement Erin Rasmussen, 350Tacoma                    with Dan Villa and Grace Hope, Port of Tacoma Commission Candidate Kristin Ang

Oct 9           Canvassing Training and Action 4PM and Local Candidate Meet and Greet 7PM

Nov 13        *Immigration Rights and Policy Panel:  Rus Batton, NW Immigrant Rights Project, Jo Anne                  Geron, AIDNW, and Maru Mora Vallalpandu, La Resistencia

Dec 11        *Indivisible WA Podcasts for 2020:  Stephan Cox, Indivisible Broadcaster, Issaquah


Legislative/Election Actions

Jan 3           Indivisible National Day of Action to Celebrate 2018 Elections: US House & WA State Legislature, and local elections assisted by Indivisible efforts in Pierce County.  IT/IP met with staff of Kilmer, Cantwell, Murray, and Heck on the Indivisible Offense 2.0 agenda.

Jan 15         Election Congratulations & present the 2019 IT Legislative Agenda: in Olympia offices of          WA Reps. Kilduff and Leavitt, LD28, Reps. Morgan and Kirby, LD 29.

Feb 15        First WA Indivisible Lobby Day in Olympia – IT Members and WA Indivisibles training                           and meetings with State Representatives and Senators or their staffs in Olympia

Jan-Mar      Organized active participation to influence WA State Legislation (per Indivisible on Offense) – see list of WA Legislation passed with help of IT and IP – back page

Jan-Dec      MOC (Member of Congress) meetings with staff or MOCs (Heck, Kilmer, Cantwell, Murray)

Jan-Dec      MOWL (WA Leg) mtgs (Kilduff, Leavitt, Morgan, Kirby, Jinkins, Oban, Fey, Darneille)

June 22      Ripple Effect: Pierce County Rising Collaboration – PC Dems canvassing Pierce County

Aug 7          Joined WA Fair Trade Assn mtg with Rep. Denny Heck staff, Olympia office re NAFTA 2.0

May-Aug    Endorsement participants in LD27, 28, 29, Pierce Cty Dems, FUSE WA in 2019 elections

July-Nov     Canvassing & phone-calling for local candidates w Indivisible values: Primaries & General

Sept            IT Endorsement process for local elections

Oct-Nov     Canvassing, phone-calling for Kristin Ang and other local progressive candidates

Nov-Dec     Develop 2020 WA State Legislative Agenda

Dec             Plan Bob Ferguson Presentation and 2020 Election Actions

GO4Action Rallies/Protests (National, State, Local)

Jan 3           Indivisible National Day of Action at MOC offices

Jan 19         Women’s March – Olympia Capital

Mar 15       Joined Global Youth Climate Strike at Wright Park

Apr 17        Denny Heck Town Hall – Eastside Community Center

April            Rally to Release the Mueller Report

May 21       Stop the Bans!  National Day of Action with Planned Parenthood

June 15      The People’s Court Impeach Trump rally!

July 2          Close the Camps Protest @ Kilmer’s Downtown Tacoma office

July 12/14  Lights for Liberty support at Northwest Detention Center

Sept 9         Border to Border:  Defund Hate Banner to gather signatures from Canada to Mexico

Aug-Oct     Weekly Actions: Sign Wave for Gun Safety, Voter Writing, Impeachment Actions

Nov/Dec    Impeachment Support Rallies

Voter Registration and Engagement (Registered 705 Voters in 2018)

Feb-Aug     Learn new Voter Registration Laws and Regulations. Recruit and assign people for outreach to schools and colleges. Work to develop strategies for voter engagement post registration.

May 21       PLU, Women’s Think Tank Meeting on Voter Registration.

2018-now  Attend community events, fairs, rallies to register voters/engage voters. Regular attendance at libraries for voter registration.Plan for voter registration events 2020 – Identifying locations for booths, etc.


Technology and Communications

Jan-now     Weekly Mailchimp Newsletter for IT and related events and reports. Monitor and Administer all Social Media: FB pages, website, incoming email, twitter, Live Streaming of General Meetings, Building audiences in all communication, website, social media accounts. Refresh and reconfigure Indivisible Tacoma website   

Letters, Testimonies, and Pledges

May            IT and Members take the Indivisible 2020 Pledge

Aug             Letter to Rep. Denny Heck to express our displeasure at his Republican endorsements/support

Aug 26        Testimony to the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency against the final permit for the LNG plant at the Port of Tacoma.  Signed NO LNG letter with other Pierce County and State orgs.

Sept            Signed the DNC Climate Change Debate Letter with other national organizations

Oct              Signed with other organizations to Close the Northwest Detention Center!


Indivisible National, WA State Indivisible Coalition (WASIC), and CD10

Jan-now   Register IT Events with National Indivisible – Go4Action Chair

April          Conducted IT survey on Preferences and Views on National Presidential Endorsements

Mar-Dec    CD10 and WASIC meetings involvement (face to face, Zoom, email, phone, surveys)

Oct 2019    WASIC conference in Ellensburg


Membership and Outreach

Jan-now     Rebuild comprehensive membership list, Approve online members, invite to join a team. Phone individual members to listen to concerns, invite to events, Greet people at events.

Sept 2019  Increased members on FB to over 1700, increased members on Mailchimp to 1,101 contacts


Appendix A: Key WA State Legislature Bills Passed 2019 (with active IT and IP help)


2018 Victories = Legislation:  IT & IP helped flip CD8, elect excellent candidates to the WA Supreme Court, LD28, Pierce County Prosecutor, Pierce County Council, Tacoma Municipal judges, and pass key Initiatives.    With a greater percentage of State Senators/Reps to support our values, we worked for WA State legislation!


Trifectas:     WA State became a Democratic trifecta in 2017 when Ind Tac helped flip LD 45 Senate seat to Manka Dinghra.  Before 2018, Democrats controlled 8 states and Republicans 26.  After 2018 elections, Democrats had trifectas in 14 states and Republicans in 22 states.  Where Democrats have a trifecta, State legislation can have a huge impact on the state and nationally.  (Ex. Presidential Popular Vote movement, car emission standards, etc.)


Voting:  WA State Dem Party: A primary will determine delegates to the national convention.

  • WA State Primary moved to second Tues. March (10th) in 2020, 15th primary in the nation.
  • Native American Voting Rights Act of WA
  • 5207: Notification of felony voting rights and restoration.
  • 1379: PAC Transparency:  Must reveal donors. (Fix Democracy First & LWV)



  • Public Option for Healthcare: creates Cascade Care, a state-funded subsidized health plan managed by regulated insurance companies by 2021.
  • 5602: Reproductive Health Access for All: for low-income adults regardless of status or gender identity/expression.
  • 1016: Hospital notification of availability of sexual assault evidence kit collection.


Environmental bills:

  • 5116: 100% Clean Electricity: establishes target dates for coal plant shutdown by 2025 and carbon neutral electricity by 2030.  Must watch out for utilities to avoid being held to these dates.
  • 1112: Hydrofluorocarbons phaseout.
  • 5135: Toxic Pollution:  Allows Depts of Ecology and Health to initiate regulation of toxics and products harmful to children and endangered species (including orcas).
  • Orca Task Force bills – Shoreline protection, oil tanker spill protection (1578), vessel separation (5577), and whale watching limitations passed. $ in budget to implement Orca Recovery (salmon)
  • 1543: Sustainable recycling.
  • 1444: Increasing Appliance Efficiency Standards
  • 1114: Reducing food waste to fight hunger and reduce environmental impacts.

Human Rights:

  • I-1000: Reinstate Affirmative Action passed by the WA State Legislature.
  • 5479: Immigrants in the Workplace: allows local law enforcement to focus on local issues, not federal immigration.
  • 1166 Rape kit backlog, timeline, notification, extension of statute of limitations. (Budget still)
  • 5356: Establish a WA State LGBT Commission
  • 5689: Anti-bullying in public schools 
  • 1440: Tenant Rights: Longer notice for rent increases
  • 1706: Eliminating subminimum wage certificates for persons with disabilities.
  • 5438: Funding the H-2A temporary agricultural program for employer abuse investigations
  • 5163: Actions for Wrongful Injury or Death so single adults treated equally with other adults.
  • 5995: Economics:  WA Investment Trust



  • Corporate Crime Act: Increases allowable penalties for corporations that have committed crimes.  Previously, they could not be assessed more than $10,000.  (Pelliciotti bill LD
  • 1739: Concerning printed plastic firearms that are undetectable or untraceable.




Indivisible Tacoma Report 2017 & 2018


  1. Hundreds of IT members have participated in rallies, protests, vigils, to support the Mueller investigation, single payer universal health care, immigrant rights and families, science, and oppose racism, sexism, ICE, fossil fuels & the LNG plant, the selling of public lands, etc.
  2. Campaign to Save the ACA (Obamacare): letters, calls, postcards, meetings, protests.
  3. NWDC Resistance Bond Fundraiser: led to release of one person & recycled for others.
  4. MOC (Members of Congress) meetings with Members or their staff regularly (every 4-10 weeks): Rep. Denny Heck, Rep. Derek Kilmer, Senator Patty Murray, Senator Maria Cantwell

MOC Letters:  Research conducted on pressing issues; Letters with ASKS on progressive issues   signed by the 6-24 people attending each MOC meeting.  Written Responses requested.

  1. MOWL (Members of the WA Legislature) 1-3 Meetings with MOWLS in each LD 27, 28, 29
  2. 2018 Voter Registration: Voter Education and Engagement conducted a Voter Registration Campaign that:
  • Directly trained IT members in voter registration at a well-attended meeting
  • Developed voter registration materials and provided start-up kits
  • Organized 55 voter registration events at local libraries, foodbanks, colleges, festivals, and the Islamic Center in 2018, staffed by 49 Indivisible Tacoma members.
  • Registered over 700 voters
  • Built simple on-line sign-up system supported by email notifications to interested parties
  1. 2018 Elections – Candidate Forums, Door knocking, phone calling, GOTV (Get Out the Vote):

Indivisible Tacoma leadership endorsed and hosted a forum for Justice Steve Gonzalez for WA State Supreme Court and Mary Robnett for Pierce County Prosecutor.  The IT Legislative Action Team organized a well-attended Legislative Candidate Forum with seven candidates for local LDs and judge races.  We mentored and supported numerous Indivisible Tacoma Members to put in thousands of hours on the following campaigns:

              US Senate:  Maria Cantwell                                                                             Elected

              US Congress:  Denny Heck & Derek Kilmer                                                  Elected

              LD25:  Jamie Smith and Brian Duthie for State Reps                                 Defeated but engaged voters             

              LD28:  Mari Leavitt and Christine Kilduff for State Reps                           Elected

              Kilduff                                                                                                                 Re-elected                 

              Leavitt                                                                                                                  flipped Incumbent Republican seat 

              LD29:  Melanie Morgan for State Rep                                                            Won primary over Sawyer (D) & Opponent (R)

              CD8:      Kim Schrier for Congress                                                                   Flipped strong R District

              Justice Steve Gonzalez for re-election to WA State Supreme Court         Re-elected

              Mary Robnett, Non-Partisan, for Pierce County Prosecutor                        Elected over incumbent (D)

              Karl Williams for Pierce County District 6                                                       Elected

              Lizanne Padula for Pierce County District 3                                                   Elected

              Initiative 1631: Carbon Tax (fossil fuels companies opposed $30 million) Failed

              Initiative 1639:  Gun Safety                                                                                  Passed

              Initiative 904:  Police training and accountability                                            Passed

              Pierce County Library Levy Lift                                                                            Passed

              Opposed Initiative 1634:  Prevent local taxes on soda (by companies)       Passed

  1. 2018 Allyship and Diversity Team facilitated workshops on allyship and inclusion.

              TaNeashia Sudds from Black Moms Rock on Inclusive Messaging and Language
              Kellie Richardson, Tacoma’s Poet Laureate, moderated local candidate forum  
              Black Kettle Social on healthcare, police brutality, Russian interference and Northwest Detention Center

              Crowdfunded a member facing homelessness
              Soul Food Social at Uncle Thurm’s on white supremacy, racial justice, and the potential for reparations. 
              12 Days of NWDC Resistance December 2017 where we:

              (A) raised $1500 for immigrant detainees basic needs; 

              (B) raised $1500 for bail bond fund for detainees at     

              (C) increased awareness about conditions inside the NWDC (D) holiday gift drive for of detainee families

              (E) used music and art to show detainees and families that their neighbors are aware and compassionate

  1. IT Events were shared widely through live-streaming, thanks to our technical people.


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