Dear Invisible Tacoma Members,

Indivisible Tacoma has been working hard to make our website a useful resource for our activism.

We are pleased to be able to launch a new page highlighting resources around racial justice. We hope you find these resources give you a few new ways to combat our current horrific state of affairs around race.

This was truly a team effort and a big thanks goes to our Webmaster Kathy Porter, for her many hours of research and design work and to DaMita O’Dell, Ellen Floyd and the IT Communications Team for their ongoing input.

Please share widely with family and friends so that we can engage our community in this important work.

Read on for the introduction and link to the full web page…


“It’s not enough to just say the words Black Lives Matter, we must make it true. We need to be willing to listen, learn, protect and lift up our Black community.

The murder of George Floyd may have brought the efforts of the BLM movement to your attention, but right here in our own area we’ve seen people die during interactions with police. There are many local activist and organizations who have always been doing the work of social justice and building up of the Black community and other communities of color.

We are encouraged by the ongoing protest happening throughout the surrounding areas of Pierce County and grateful to all those willing to stand in solidarity to protect Black lives. We welcome your support of racial justice and hope you will engage with local groups who need your support to make sure our community is a place where everyone is safe and has the ability to thrive.”

– DaMita O’Dell, Indivisible Tacoma Go4Action Team Lead

You’ll find the full page at this link:

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