I just called the offices of Speaker Frank Chopp and Lt. Governor Cyrus Habib (also Chairs of the House and Senate Rules Committees respectively) on the following bills! You can make a big difference RIGHT NOW by calling, identifying yourself as a member of Indivisible Tacoma and identifying the bills you want supported (and one opposed). Also, we should support $15 million in the budget for the WA State Census to reach hard to count communities (it’s not a bill)! It would be very helpful, Elisabeth if you could email this out to our list!


NOW is the time to Influence Final Votes on Key Bills in the WA State Legislature:  Contact the RULES CHAIRS & YOUR REPS. AND SENATOR on these bills!!!   It’s best to CALL but you can also email any legislator with this formula: firstname.lastname@leg.wa.gov

Just read the following list of bills!

Contact HOUSE Speaker & Chair, Rules Committee, Frank Chopp  360-786-7920. Or email:  frank.chopp@leg.wa.gov

Tell him you support:

  • 5323: Ban Plastic Bags
  • 5577:  Reduce vessel noise to protect marine mammals
  • 5322: Clean water – prohibiting certain discharges into state waters
  • 5947: Sustainable Farms/Fields grant program\
  • 5207: Felony Rights Restoration
  • 5961: The Extraordinary Profits Tax (to address our upside-down tax code that forces the poorest to pay the largest share of their income on sales taxes)
  • 5998: Making Real Estate Excise Tax slightly progressive
  • Plus: $15 million in the BUDGET for the WA State Census to reach hard to count communities.

Tell him you oppose:  

  • Reduced teacher pay and restrictions on teacher collective bargaining in Senate budget bill

Contact Lt. Governor & Chair Senate Rules, Cyrus Habib 360-786-7700.  Or email:  cyrus.habib@leg.wa.gov

Tell him you support:

  • 1112: Reducing greenhouse emissions from hydrofluorocarbons
  • 1114: Reducing food waste
  • 1444: Increasing Appliance Energy Efficiency
  • 1578: Oil Spill Prevention
  • 1016: Hospital notification of availability of sexual assault evidence kit collection.
  • 1706: Ban subminimum wages for people with disabilities.
  • Plus: $15 million in the BUDGET for the WA State Census to reach hard to count communities.

Tell him you oppose:

  • Reduced teacher pay and restrictions on teacher collective bargaining in Senate budget bill

Contact your Reps & Senators to vote YES for these bills on the floor!   You can view what is happening with each bill at:  https://apps.leg.wa.gov/billinfo/   Just type in the bill number.

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