Fight for the Freedom to Vote & John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Acts

December 6th @ 6 pm PT


ACTION HOUR for DEMOCRACY: Fight for the Freedom to Vote & John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Acts

Virtual Event – Monday, December 6th & 6-7:30 pm (Pacific Time)


Co-hosted by Fix Democracy FirstLeague of Women Voters of WALeague of Women Voters of Bellingham/Whatcom County & Seattle Supports Democracy 

With special guest speaker:
Spencer OlsonDeclaration for American Democracy Communications Director

Our country is facing an existential crisis. Just this year, 19 states have passed 33 laws restricting voting rights, and more are likely to come as legislatures convene in about five weeks.

At the same time, state lawmakers across the country are currently gerrymandering their legislative maps to choose which voters they represent, instead of the other way around.

That’s why it’s imperative the Senate urgently passes the Freedom to Vote Act, which would protect everyone’s freedom to vote, end dark money in elections, stop partisan gerrymandering, and protect our elections from partisan sabotage.

Additionally, we must also pass the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act to restore and strengthen the Voting Rights Act gutted by the Supreme Court and ensure voters are protected from future attacks on their freedom to vote.

In order to pass the Freedom to Vote and John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Acts, we are calling on the Senate to delay the recess set to begin on December 13, 2021, until these bills are passed.

>>>How can you help? Join us for an Action Hour for Democracy event on December 6th. Join activists and leaders from local voting rights groups to get inspired by a guest speaker, discuss strategic options, and then take action together to help get federal voting rights legislation passed!


• Who: Join concerned citizens from all over Washington state
• What: Take action for the Freedom to Vote Act & John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act
• When: Monday, December 6th , 6-7:30 pm PT (includes networking time)
• Where: Online via Zoom


Tideflats Regulations Public Hearing

Tideflats Regulations Public Hearing

Tuesday, October 5, 6PM

We must stop expansion of fossil fuels!

Here is how to participate on Tuesday:

  • Meeting begins at 5pm, testimony starts around 6pm

  • Join via zoom (for attending any City of Tacoma Council Meetings)  Passcode: 349099

  • Send emails to by 3pm to be part of public record

  • Each person will likely get only 90 seconds – 2 minutes

(you can email in a longer comment and give a shortened version verbally)

Please share and encourage other individuals and organizations to participate!


From 350Tacoma:


The city of Tacoma will vote soon on permanent regulations for the ancestral tideflats of the Puyallup Tribe, known today as the Port of Tacoma, and we need your help to demand that planning commission recommendations and the wishes of the Tribe are followed, banning the expansion of fossil fuel facilities.

We need the City of Tacoma to pass a true ban on fossil fuel expansion for the Tideflats, free of any exemptions for polluting, toxic facilities.

  • Puyallup Tribe has been vocal about their stance–it’s time to take action and stop permitting any more toxic facilities on the Tideflats–we stand in solidarity with Tribe and advocate for their wisdom and sovereignty to be respected.

  • Fossil fuel expansion anywhere affects all of us everywhere. Allowing any kind of expansion is not in alignment with the IPCC reports, Washington’s climate goals, the city of Tacoma Climate Emergency Declaration, or common sense.

  • The trains, trucks and ships carrying the fuels run through Seattle and up to Bellingham, spreading the health impacts and safety risks far beyond the Port of Tacoma.

  • The increased ship traffic could have a huge impact on our Salish Sea and the marine life already struggling to survive, like our Southern Resident Orcas, via noise pollution, risk of oil spills, and toxic discharges.

Recess Can Wait

Recess Can Wait

We’re at a make it or break it moment in the fight to defend our democracy.

We cannot afford to wait any longer for Senate action.

The For the People Act must be signed before the end of summer in order to be implemented in time to go into effect by the 2022 midterm elections and prevent partisan maps from disenfranchising voters — especially voters of color — for the next decade.

Join in a week of action as we tell the Senate not to go home without passing S1 – #RecessCanWait. 


The Senate MUST PASS the For the People Act!

WEDNESDAY: National Call-In Day – August 4th

This Wednesday, Call Your Senator @ 1.888.453.3211 and t ell them to pass the For the People Act before breaking for congressional recess. Recess can wait – our democracy can’t!   The For the People Act (S1) must be passed and signed into law before the end of summer in order to go into effect before the 2022 midterms, and to prevent the drawing of hyper-partisan maps that threaten to disenfranchise voters, especially voters of color, for the next decade.  Congress must pass the For the People Act and cannot let anything get in their way, including the filibuster. The Senate cannot leave for congressional recess without passing S1, even if that means delaying recess. Recess can wait – our democracy can’t.

FRIDAY: Nation Training Day – August 6th

National Training on the Voting Rights Act, For the People Act & John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act – Details coming soon!


Tuesday, August 10, 12 noon

11th & Pacific


Rally with us in front of the Tacoma offices of Senators Cantwell and Murray to show our passion for action on the For The People Act. 

More Actions You Can Take

URGENT! Hazard Pay for Grocery Workers

URGENT! Hazard Pay for Grocery Workers

From Pierce County Coucilman Ryan Mello:

“Hazard pay for grocery workers has already been enacted across several neighboring jurisdictions including King County, Olympia, Seattle, Burien, and Edmonds. Now more than ever, with the pandemic continuing here in Pierce County, it is time to stand with our grocery workers. I am proud to join CM Hitchen as a co-sponsor to this ordinance and thank her for her leadership in bringing this forward for a vote.

This Friday, 4/30 at 9:30 AM the ordinance will be considered for a “do pass” recommendation before the Human Services Committee with a final council vote scheduled for Tuesday, 5/4 at 3 PM. This is moving quickly because our grocery worker heroes need our support now as we experience a 4th COVID wave. Help us by sharing this post TODAY and tell your friends why you stand with grocery workers!”

Ordinance Timeline: 
  • Human Services Committee Hearing – Friday, April 30th @ 9:30 AMCLICK HERE for Committee Page (Agenda and packet have not yet been posted). 
    • At this meeting, the ordinance will be considered for a pass recommendation by the committee. Members here include CM Young (Chair), CM Hitchen (Vice Chair), CM Campbell, CM Zeiger, and CM Cruver. 
  • Final consideration before full council – Tuesday, May 4th @ 3:00 PMCLICK HERE for Council Meeting Page (Agenda and packet will be posted late this week).


Pierce County Hazard Pay Proposed Ordinance

About the Ordinance

• The Pierce County Council is considering an ordinance proposing hazard pay for grocery store employees, effective through the duration of the governor’s declared COVID-19 emergency.o Although all front-line workers need help – and we believe all workers serving our communities during this terrible pandemic should get hazard pay – this ordinance is limited to grocery workers for one simple reason: these employers clearly have the financial resources to reinstate hazard pay (see reverse for details).

• The ordinance is co-sponsored by councilmembers Jani Hitchen, District 6, and Ryan Mello, District 4.

• The ordinance as initially drafted proposes that all employees of a grocery store with 500 or more employees worldwide shall receive an additional $4/hour of hazard pay during their shift. Small grocers are exempted.

• The ordinance applies to incorporated and unincorporated Pierce County.
o Pierce County believes that there is strong legal precedent for enacting the ordinance county-wide and regional action is needed now.
o Having a uniform regional policy will assure that stores will not be closed just because one city stood up for grocery workers in that municipality, thereby avoiding the creation of ‘food deserts.”
Why Now?

• Grocery stores profits have increased tremendously this last year (see reverse for details).

• Grocery workers have been on the frontlines for the last year and while the proposed additional pay won’t make their jobs easier, it provides much-needed compensation for the hazards of working while facing significant exposure to COVID-19.
o When the schools closed to in-seat learning requiring kids to attend virtual school, essential grocery workers did not have the option of working from home and instead have been burdened with unanticipated childcare expenses.
o Further, grocery workers have had to bear the unexpected costs of purchasing their own personal protection equipment, COVID tests, and losing pay due to illness or exposure.

• With a fourth COVID surge, rising case counts, and a roll back to Phase 2 of the Healthy Washington reopening plan, grocery workers are facing unprecedented danger by showing up to work every day. These working families face many hardships in an already low-paid environment. That’s not fair and hazard pay is the least Pierce County can do.

• We need to make sure all members of our community have a safe place to work and are taken care of.
Does This Supersede Collective Bargaining?

• No. The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the parties is in full effect until May 2022 and that contract is not altered in any way by these hazard pay ordinances.

• The union has an MOU with the grocers regarding the pandemic; however, the continuation or reinstatement of hazard pay is NOT included in those agreements.
Turn over for background information and other key details.

Meeting with Sen. Murray’s Staff

Meeting with Sen. Murray’s Staff

Thursday, April 29, 4PM

Indivisible Tacoma Legislative Action Team will be meeting with Sen. Murray’s staff to get updates on crucial legislation that needs action in the US Senate. We will articulate Indivisible’s priorities.

The Legislative Action Team’s primary role is to meet with our Members of Congress or their staff, as well as our WA State Legislators.
Please join us! 

Register no later than 12 noon on Thursday, April 29. We will send an agenda by email prior to the meeting.

Don’t forget to register for the Fillibuster Call-o-Rama.



End the filibuster Call-o-Rama