☎️ Indivisible Washington Call-o-Rama to End the Filibuster ☎️

WA Indivisibles are organizing a call relay to Senators Murray and Cantwell’s DC offices on Monday 4/26 to end the filibuster. It’s easy! Pick a time on the signup list to make your call — time slots are in 5 minute increments for one entire business day. If we can fill all time slots, both Senators will be getting calls ALL DAY LONG.

Saturating the phone lines is one way of bringing home how deeply Indivisibles from across the state care about this issue. Share this action with other members of your Indivisible group!


Step 1: SIGN UP

  1. Go to the Call-o-Rama spreadsheet to sign up
  2. Read the instructions & call script on the tab “Call Script”
  3. Click on the tab “SIGN UP HERE 🚨”
  4. Pick a time and fill in your name, Indivisible group, and a way of contacting you to followup
  5. Add a note to your calendar to remind yourself of your time slot to make your calls on Monday 4/26

Step 2: ACT! On Monday, April 26

  1. Go to the Call-o-Rama spreadsheet
  2. Review the instructions & call script on the tab “Call Script”
  3. Make your calls!
  4. Click on the tab “SIGN UP HERE 🚨”
  5. Mark “Done” next to your time slot and add notes from your conversation
  6. Contact the next person on the list (using their phone or email included in the registration) to remind them to make their calls (Pro tip: call the next person before you make your calls to give them a couple of minutes to get to their computer!)
  7. Come back to TAN and mark that you took this action.
  8. Celebrate democracy! 🗽

Any questions? Email Kat.

original link: https://www.takeaction.network/xactions/14925?ref=367

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