Poor People’s Campaign – A National Call for Moral Revival

Poor People’s Campaign – A National Call for Moral Revival

Tacoma Watch Party and Barbecue

Saturday, June 18, 2:30-6PM

Tahoma Unitarian Universalist Congregation

1115 South 56th Street, Tacoma


Join us for an uplifting experience. Food provided.
“We Assemble and March on June 18, 2022 because any nation that ignores nearly half of its citizens is in a moral, economic and political crisis.
There were 140 million people who were poor or one emergency away from economic ruin before the pandemic.
Since March 2020, while hundreds of thousands of people have died, millions are on the edge of hunger and eviction, and still without health care or living wages, billionaire wealth has grown by over $2 trillion.
Join for a generationally transformative gathering.
Not just for a day, but making a bold declaration of an ongoing committed moral movement that dares to change the political narrative, build power and demands that this nation fully address poverty and low wealth from the bottom up.”
Indivisible Tacoma 2022 Election Kick-Off

Indivisible Tacoma 2022 Election Kick-Off

May 11, 2022, 6:30PM

Zoom pre-registration: bit.ly/ITkickoff22

For five years we’ve worked hard to elect progressive leaders. Now we must respond to the urgency of 2022.

These outstanding candidates face challenging campaigns. Let’s direct our attention, energy, and resources toward their success. We will share many ways you can help with elections locally and nationally this year.

Welcome to a celebration of five years of action for progressive policies and our connection with each other. It will be great to see you!

Join us:

In person: 311 Puyallup Ave, Tacoma
Please arrive by 6:20PM. Masks will be available, optional.
Via Zoom with pre-registration: bit.ly/ITkickoff22

Act for Democracy and Ukrainians

Act for Democracy and Ukrainians

The People of Ukraine are fighting for self-governance, and Vladimir Putin wants destruction.

In February, Anne Applebaum wrote:

“At this moment in history, something unusual is happening there. Among those 40 million, a significant number—at all levels of society, all across the country, in every field of endeavor—aspire to create a fairer, freer, more prosperous country than any they have inhabited in the past. Among them are people willing to dedicate their lives to fighting corruption, to deepening democracy, to remain sovereign and free. Some of those people are willing to die for these ideas.

The clash that is coming will matter to all of us, in ways that we can’t yet fathom. In the centuries-long struggle between autocracy and democracy, between dictatorship and freedom, Ukraine is now the front line—and our front line too.”

We are on guard against autocratic impulses here in the US and demand our representatives hold the January 6 Insurrectionists accountable. Call and remind them!

Rep Kilmer 253 272 3515. Rep Strickland 202 225 9740.
Sen. Murray. 253 572 3636  Sen. Cantwell  253 572 2281

From Indivisible National’s Leah Greenberg:
Putin’s war of aggression is part of the global rise of authoritarianism, and an intentional strategy to stamp out democracy.

As Indivisibles, we stand on the side of democracy and the side of Ukrainians. We’ve already seen Indivisible leaders host vigils, raise money, and come together to support the Ukrainian people around the country. As the war continues, we share some ideas for how you can take action:

• Host a Fundraiser. In-person or online to help raise funds to support Ukrainians. We recommend Choose Love, which is providing vital aid and services to those still in and fleeing the country and supporting other conflict-affected refugees in your community.


• Get Involved in Local Refugee Resettlement. As Indivisibles, we must ensure that all refugees are welcomed to live in dignity, regardless of their nationality, religion, or which conflict they are fleeing. We recommend you get in touch with the volunteer coordinator of the agency that serves your area to ask what they most need and how you can help — whether that’s organizing a volunteer training or helping to set up an apartment for a new family.

Refugee resettlement organizations in Washington State: https://www.acf.hhs.gov/orr/contact-information/state-washington-programs-and-services-locality

More information:


Defending & Extending Democracy Using Nonviolence

Defending & Extending Democracy Using Nonviolence


Saturday, April 30, 2022, 9AM – 12:20PM
Video-Conferencing Event

Western Washington Fellowship of Reconciliation presents its 24th Annual Spring Assembly.  (This event is also a fundraiser for the people of Ukraine.)

Our featured speaker this year is Michael Honey, History Professor at University of Washington Tacoma. We will watch “Love & Solidarity,” a film produced and directed by Professor Honey which documents nonviolence steps delineated by civil rights icon Reverend James Lawson. Professor Honey will keynote this event and discuss Rev. Lawson’s steps of nonviolence, as well as introduce us to the new book Revolutionary Nonviolence which he co-authored.

We recommend reading this book before the spring assembly. The book is available from national FOR and from many booksellers.

Mike Yarrow Peace Fellow Interns will make presentations about their social justice projects.

Representatives from Washington State Poor People’s Campaign will speak.


Suggested donation $20 general, $10 modest income, $5 low income. No donation is required to attend.

• Please use our Brown Paper Tickets site https://wwfor2022sa.bpt.me/ to register online IF you are making a donation and prefer to pay online (credit card or PayPal). You also can make an extra donation at any of the preset registration amounts ($5, $10, or $20). You can make a donation if you are unable to attend.

• If you would like to attend and are unable to make a donation, please register by phone 206-789-5565, email wwfor@wwfor.org, or postal mail WWFOR, 225 N 70th St, Seattle WA 98103.

• If you are making a donation and prefer to send a check instead of paying online, send to the address above by any of these methods, we just need your name, email, and phone number and we will provide Zoom connection information.

Voices of Environmental Justice

Voices of Environmental Justice


Sunday, April 24, 2022 1PM

Online event by The Conversation 253 and La Resistencia

The Conversation 253 invites you to join Voices of Environmental Justice: an interactive panel discussion that will include voices from La Resistencia, the Puyallup Tribal Council and The Tacoma Green New Deal.

When: Apr 24, 2022 01PM


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

South Sound Sustainability Expo

South Sound Sustainability Expo

Saturday, April 16, 10AM – 3PM

All-new outdoor venue!

UW Tacoma Campus – Prairie Line Trail – Tollefson Plaza

Join Indivisible Tacoma and dozens of regional organizations in this family-friendly event where you’ll find inspiration, community resources, and fun.

Indivisible volunteers will be reminding people to check their own voter registration accuracy and to urge everyone to vote in ALL elections!
