Saturday, April 30, 2022, 9AM – 12:20PM
Video-Conferencing Event

Western Washington Fellowship of Reconciliation presents its 24th Annual Spring Assembly.  (This event is also a fundraiser for the people of Ukraine.)

Our featured speaker this year is Michael Honey, History Professor at University of Washington Tacoma. We will watch “Love & Solidarity,” a film produced and directed by Professor Honey which documents nonviolence steps delineated by civil rights icon Reverend James Lawson. Professor Honey will keynote this event and discuss Rev. Lawson’s steps of nonviolence, as well as introduce us to the new book Revolutionary Nonviolence which he co-authored.

We recommend reading this book before the spring assembly. The book is available from national FOR and from many booksellers.

Mike Yarrow Peace Fellow Interns will make presentations about their social justice projects.

Representatives from Washington State Poor People’s Campaign will speak.


Suggested donation $20 general, $10 modest income, $5 low income. No donation is required to attend.

• Please use our Brown Paper Tickets site to register online IF you are making a donation and prefer to pay online (credit card or PayPal). You also can make an extra donation at any of the preset registration amounts ($5, $10, or $20). You can make a donation if you are unable to attend.

• If you would like to attend and are unable to make a donation, please register by phone 206-789-5565, email, or postal mail WWFOR, 225 N 70th St, Seattle WA 98103.

• If you are making a donation and prefer to send a check instead of paying online, send to the address above by any of these methods, we just need your name, email, and phone number and we will provide Zoom connection information.

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