We’ve Turned Two! You’re Invited to Indivisible Tacoma’s Birthday Party and General Meeting.
Tahoma Unitarian Universalist Congregation
1115 S 56th St, Tacoma, WA 98408
Now, we need to keep up the good work! That means getting more voters registered for 2020. We also need to hold our members of Congress (MoCs) accountable and urge them to support progressive bills. These include Single Payer, a Green New Deal, more investigations of the Trump administration, and H.R. 1 for Electoral Reform. And, as 2020 draws closer, we’ll need to do more postcards, phone calls, and door knocking to get out the vote.
We are also now working with the newly-created Washington State Indivisible Coalition (WASIC) to do more with our reps and senators at the state level.
But first…
Image: CC by ND 2.0 Cristina Carvalho via Flickr.
Come Celebrate!
Join the fun and get ready for #BlueWave2020! First, we’ll have updates from Indivisible Tacoma’s team leaders followed by our featured speaker. Then we’ll celebrate our two-year anniversary with a special birthday cake.
Also Featuring Rise and Run!
Thinking of running for office? Great candidates with progressive ideas are needed! Evan Koepfler, Democratic Field Organizer, will explain this exciting new program.

RSVP for a free ticket with EventBrite
Please let us know you’re coming so we can make sure we have enough birthday cake for everyone! We look forward to seeing you.