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Newsletters Text Versions
Tuesday, 4/28, 7:00PM
Meet the LD28 Candidates THIS Tuesday!
Meet Rep. Mari Leavitt, running for her second term for Position 1 in LD28! She defeated an incumbent Republican in 2018 and already has established a strong record of action in the WA Legislature these last two years. We were sorry to lose Rep. Christine Kilduff who decided not to run again, but she is endorsing Dan Bronoske, a West Pierce County Fire Fighter for her Rep. Position 2 in LD28. And we introduce T’wina Nobles from the UP School Board who is stepping up to challenge Republican Steve O’Ban for State Senate!
LD28 could go either way. Let’s turn it completely blue!
Please pre-register early to make sure you get the link to get in to the LD28 Town Hall: RegisterHERE (
Indivisible Presidential Candidate Endorsement
A Message from Indivisible National…
A year ago we launched the Indivisible pledge, signed by every major Democratic primary candidate, which committed us to backing the ultimate nominee. Many of us were championing other candidates, but Biden is the presumptive nominee.
Every Indivisible member can have a voice in the process.
Registration will be open until, Monday, April 27th, 9PM PDT. Follow this link HERE ( to register.
After registering, you will receive a form to vote. Voting will be open until May 3rd, and an endorsement will be announced on May 4th if 60% or more vote to endorse.
Counting Down– Just a Few More Weeks for the Indivisible National Fundraising Match!
We’re about half-way towards our goal. Though we continue to operate with 100% volunteer staff, we do not have monthly income right now from our general meetings while routine expenses continue. In these times, that means things like providing video conferencing software so our teams can organize across social distance, printing and our website costs.
Please see our full Fundraising Match Letter HERE (
Now is the time to support Indivisible Tacoma as we build our power and gear up for the year. Please consider making a contribution today HERE ( . (
Indivisible Tacoma’s mission is to promote social and environmental justice and democracy through representative government on all levels. We are citizen lobbyists and social activists resisting the Trump agenda and holding our local lawmakers and public officials accountable. We are non-partisan and wholly inclusive in our membership.
and we can use your talents!
If you want to make a difference, we have something for everyone!
Join up with the Legislative Action Team, Voter Registration and Engagement Team, Communications Team, Go4Action Team, and Membership Team.
Want to donate ( ? Or get more involved ( ? Visit our website ( for more info.
Indivisible Tacoma is staffed entirely by volunteers and runs on a shoestring. We thank all who’ve donated. The funds go to print fliers, signs, and other materials, host our general meetings, set up voter registration booths, and run our website, email list, and other items.
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Earth Day 2020
50 years of Earth Day – so much urgent work now!
Mark this day with our ally organizations…
3:00-6:00PM – TODAY, Wednesday, 4/22
Sunrise Earth Day
Virtual Climate Strike
Hosted by Sunrise Tacoma (
Join us in demanding a People’s Bailout, a Green New Deal, and a livable future! We’ll learn how a Green New Deal would transform society for the better, hear from local members of the community, and take actions together to demand it. Sign up HERE (
Sierra Club Washington State Chapter HERE (
350 Tacoma HERE (
Washington Conservation Voters Here (
During election years, Indivisible Tacoma normally convenes big monthly meetings with candidates.
Since we can’t meet them face-to face, we are presenting them online. We are proud to have initiated a collaboration with Indivisible chapters all over the state and the Washington State Indivisible Podcast to produce the Town Hall Series. We’ll see statewide candidates once each month and Legislative or Congressional candidates on the other Tuesdays. How do we mobilize and capture voters’ attention in such a crucial year?
Mark your calendar for this coming week!
Tuesday, 4/28, 7:00PM
LD28 Town Hall
Mari Leavitt Pos 1, Dan Bronoske Pos 2, and T’wina Nobles for State Senate
** May Town Halls
Tuesday, May 5, 7:00pm – LD26 Town Hall with candidates Joy Stanford and Carrie Hesch.
Tuesday, May 19, 7:00pm – State Town Hall with Hilary Franz, candidate for Commissioner of Public Lands (Incumbent).
If you missed last night’s excellent Town Hall with candidates, Mike Pellicciotti and Gael Tarleton, listen HERE ( starting tomorrow!
Fellowship of Reconciliation Spring Assembly
Saturday, May 2, 2020, 9AM – 12:30PM
Annual Western Washington FOR conference (videoconferencing)
Five workshops will focus on people who are marginalized in normal times and particularly now in this time of global crisis, and what can be done to help. Register here (http:// .
What can we do from home?
Let’s make our voices louder!
Call your Senators and Representatives:
Sen. Patty Murray ☎️
(202) 224-2621 (tel:(202) 224-2621) Washington DC
Sen. Maria Cantwell ☎️
(202) 224-3441 (tel:(202) 224-3441) Washington DC
Support 2020 voting rights during the coronavirus
Call on our Senators to push for the Natural Disaster and Emergency Ballot Act
Prioritize a coronavirus People’s Bailout.
We need a package that prioritizes protecting our democratic systems, providing accessible health care for all, and direct economic support to everyone.
This Earth Week, the importance of nature— providing clean air & water, home for wildlife & places to retreat— is especially clear. Scientists say to protect nature and fight the climate crisis, we must protect 30% of lands & water by 2030. Learn more HERE (×30) and get involved to save #30×30 (×30?source=feed_text&epa=HASHTAG&__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARCkIFe6qoMuDHk3aFhEpVZubybGCcvVY9BHfhO79L0E66IWKU6nuloSkz-rxNRfLk4ounDyvEYPodqnjjRPNzGtO-UPL-1r4HECAfDiUCJPux4ak24Rk5Rupu2GsI39zCdxULDRxhRMrjJmvN5axG_Vh5I9fonTccnveqKpJYe56eQJo8GO7JNYIEjwQAi7sRjP37F14UidmgSLhoAYuL4lT2y430f5s0NYhQ8JdH__SH0eV3DAqOCw3voUWdFYKjaEksFyh-Ke9EUZ_2SYg_WzYc3uWvmCTiJv282e6Qngl–WI12xRRX6CH3fYb_nV2YoqVlfF76Xah5VM0ef&__tn__=%2ANK-R) !
Help Save the Post Office!
Buy stamps this week…a roll of postcard stamps for writing Postcards to Voters, maybe? Sheets of stamps as gifts?
Order online HERE ( .
Legislative Action Team News
Meeting tonight, April 22, at 6PM!
Join the Legislative Action Team as we research Congressional Candidates for CD10 and CD6. Questionnaires will be sent to candidates soon.
Contact ( to get the Zoom meeting link, as well as to pose questions for the State and National candidates at the Town Halls, and to volunteer to notify Indivisibles around the state about the Town Hall meetings.
Indivisible Tacoma’s mission is to promote social and environmental justice and democracy through representative government on all levels. We are citizen lobbyists and social activists resisting the Trump agenda and holding our local lawmakers and public officials accountable. We are non-partisan and wholly inclusive in our membership.
and we can use your talents!
If you want to make a difference, we have something for everyone!
Join up with the Legislative Action Team, Voter Registration and Engagement Team, Communications Team, Go4Action Team, and Membership Team.
Want to donate ( ? Or get more involved ( ? Visit our website ( for more info.
Indivisible Tacoma is staffed entirely by volunteers and runs on a shoestring. We thank all who’ve donated. The funds go to print fliers, signs, and other materials, host our general meetings, set up voter registration booths, and run our website, email list, and other items.
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