Indivisible Tacoma's Statement to Members

After the 2016 election of Donald Trump, Ezra Levin and Leah Greenberg, two Congressional staffers, wrote an Action Guide to Resist the policies and excesses of Trump and his minions. Indivisible Tacoma (IT) formed as one of thousands of local independent chapters loosely affiliated with Indivisible National. We gradually developed positive values beyond mere resistance into an effective bimodal organization to elect candidates truly working for the public good and to lobby for policies supporting democracy, earth, and justice at the local, state, and national levels!

In 2024, here we are again facing a more experienced and diabolical Trump administration with the Project 2025 plans in hand to dismantle our democracy and government along with protections for the earth and those most vulnerable. But we are wiser and experienced in our resistance, and we have national, well-connected progressive organizations who have been planning for this possibility. We are moving forward in solidarity with millions of people in the United States who see the dangers presented by this man and his sycophants to prevent fascism, racism, and misogyny from ruling our country.



PRIMARY ELECTION JULY 19 - AUGUST 6 Return your ballot as early as possible! These candidates show the characteristics, values, and action records most consistent with Indivisible values. Our evaluation results from research and deliberation by the Legislative Action...

June 30 Candidate Forum

June 30 Candidate Forum

WATCH THE VIDEO!   June 30 Candidate Forum Around 90 people turned out for Indivisible Tacoma's June 30 Candidate Forum ready to work for great candidates! Big thanks to Co-Hosts: The Conversation 253, LD2, 25,...



Indivisible Tacoma's May 19 Candidate Forum drew an enthusiastic audience ready to work for great candidates! Big thanks to Co-Hosts: The Conversation 253, LD2, 25, 27, 28, 29 and Pierce County Democrats, and Women’s Think...

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