Stand with Indivisible Tacoma

We have to turn up the heat on the administration and everyone who enables the games they’re playing with our lives. In these times, that means things like providing video conferencing software so our teams can organize across social distance, printing and our website costs.

Though we continue to operate with 100% volunteer staff, we do not have monthly income right now from our general meetings while routine expenses continue.

In uncertain times, Indivisible Tacoma is still here, and we’re still doing the hard work of building grassroots power in our community to defeat Trump’s agenda. 

Every month, every week, and every day we stand together to push for progress.

For the second year, Indivisible National is offering local chapters up to a $500 match for our fundraising efforts. Last year we rose to the occasion and reached our goal of $500 netting us a total of $1021! Lets do it again! 

We know there are many competing needs in our community but hope you’ll consider even a small one-time or monthly recurring gift (your first payment will be doubled!).

Will you stand with us, and start giving monthly today? Your monthly donation will be matched between April 6th and May 31st!

Now is the time to support Indivisible Tacoma as we build our power and gear up for the year. Please consider making a contribution today HERE.

We can’t wait to see what we’ll accomplish together with your support!

With Gratitude,
Indivisible Tacoma Steering Team

About Indivisible Tacoma & How You Can Help

Indivisible Tacoma’s mission is to promote social and environmental justice and democracy through representative government on all levels. We are citizen lobbyists and social activists resisting the Trump agenda and holding our local lawmakers and public officials accountable. We are non-partisan and wholly inclusive in our membership.
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