by indivisibletacoma | May 28, 2019 | Actions, Events, News
We’re ending spring with a bang as we gear up for summer and the 2020 election. Here’s what’s in this week’s newsletter.

Indivisible Tacoma General Meetings
? June: Tacoma Liquid Natural Gas Plant: Environmental Benefit or Tragedy?
With featured speakers Daniel Villa from 350 Tacoma and Bradley Thompson from 350 Seattle.
Weds. June 5, 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Tahoma Unitarian Universalist Congregation
1115 S 56th St Tacoma, WA 98408
Map with Directions.
? July: Disinformation and Elections
With featured speakers from FUSE Tacoma: Pierce County and the Progressive Voters’ Guide
Weds. July 10, 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Tahoma Unitarian Universalist Congregation
1115 S 56th St Tacoma, WA 98408
Map with Directions.

Learning from PLU’s Winning Gen Z Voter Registration Campaign

Riley Dolan and Deanna Hobbs talking with Indivisible Tacoma’s Sue Schaeffer on registering Gen Z voters Photo: Nina Rook.
Think of 74 million Americans who are growing up with school shootings and climate change, who don’t remember the world before 9/11, who are more diverse than any previous generation, and who saw the loser of the popular vote take the White House in 2016.
Now, how do we get them to register to vote?
Last week seven of us from Indivisible Tacoma and the Tacoma Women’s Think Tank sat down with Riley Dolan and Deanna Hobbs from Pacific Lutheran University (PLU). This duo’s voter registration efforts were featured in Forbes, and they just won the Governor’s Student Voter Registration Challenge. Naturally, we wanted to find out what makes their campaign so successful.
Among their findings:
- Show young people that other people their age register – they register when they see people like themselves
- Make it social – turn registering and voting into a social event (We loved the idea of ballot parties in coffee shops!)
- Show how small vote numbers swing the results of elections with major consequences
- Focus on engagement as well as registration – they mailed students “pledge card” reminders as the ballots were arriving
- Know your constituency – for instance, it does not make sense for an Alaskan student to register in Washington if this will cost them their Permanent Fund dividend; better register as an Alaska absentee voter
We thank Riley and Deanna, for giving us their time during a busy finals week.

Congratulations on Our Huge #StopTheBans Rally Turnout!
Wow. On Tuesday, May 21 at noon, nearly 200 of us came together at the U.S. District Courthouse in downtown Tacoma to protest harsh anti-choice laws in 15 states. This was part of a nationwide action to support freedom for women. We thank our members and progressive allies at 350 Tacoma, Indivisibles Puyallup and Gig Harbor, Red Berets Medicare for All, and others for this incredible turnout. And thank you, Damita O’Dell from our Events & Rallies team for organizing it.
Here are more photos from our Facebook feed.
by indivisibletacoma | Apr 29, 2019 | Actions, Events, News
Greetings, fellow Indivisibles! We’re excited about our General Meeting this Wednesday and hope you can come. Julie Anderson, Auditor for Pierce County, will be joining us to talk about our state’s new voting laws going into 2020. Also, we have just ONE DAY left for our April Matching Challenge fundraiser (we’re almost there). Finally, this week’s actions are: Demand Congress hold Donald Trump accountable, calling for the removal of a GOP state rep. who supports right-wing hate groups, and to protect all living things on the Olympic Peninsula and Salish sea from dangerous U.S. Naval exercises.
Voter Registration 2.0: New Tech, New Rules & General Meeting
Please join us and learn how WA state new voting laws will affect you — and our voter registration efforts — in 2020. Featuring Julie Anderson from the Pierce County Auditor’s Office Sponsored by Indivisible Tacoma and Indivisible Puyallup.
Featuring Julie Anderson, Pierce County Auditor
During the meeting, we will also be taking action in response to the criminality shown in the Mueller Report
Wednesday, May 1, 2019, 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Tahoma Unitarian Universalist Congregation
1115 S 56th St, Tacoma, Washington 98408
To let us know you’re coming, RSVP via Facebook or on Indivisible’s website…
We’ll also have a live stream on our Facebook page at:
Only ONE DAY Left for our April Matching Challenge Fundraiser!
Just a quick reminder. We have only ONE day left to take advantage of our April Matching Challenge. As a reminder, Indivisible will MATCH funds raised throughout the month of April, one-for-one, up to $500 per group! And we’re so close!
Indivisible Tacoma is completely volunteer-run and we operate on a shoestring budget. Your contributions will help us pay for signs, printed materials, our website, email list, rent for our meeting venue at the Tahoma Unitarian Universal Congregation, voter registration booths, gas, snacks for volunteers, and other expenses.
Chip in today so Indivisible Tacoma can keep organize, build power, and continue to fight back in 2020
This Week’s Actions!
Hold Trump Officials Accountable
Action: Call Rep. Derek Kilmer (D-6) (202) 225-5916 or Denny Heck (D-10) (360) 459-8514.
Ask what they and the rest of the House are going to do if trump administration officials defy subpoenas and refuse to testify. Emphasize that Congress absolutely must respond with vigor or risk losing support from their base. If Trump gets away with this the Democrats will look so weak that they will lose even their most ardent supporters.
SCRIPT: Hi, I’m [NAME] with Indivisible Tacoma and I’m from [STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP]. Please urge Congress to hold Trump officials accountable. If you let Donald Trump get away with this, the Democrats will look weak and lose support. Thank you.
State Level Actions for This Week
Stop Hate Now by Removing State Rep. Matt Shea (R-4)
Rep. Shea from LD 4 has a long history of unethical and vocal support for dangerous right-wing militia, anti-LGBTQ, and racist groups. Most recently Shea participated in conversations that advocated violence against those with dissenting opinions and offered to do background checks on opponents. The Seattle Times editorial board, Governor Inslee, Lt. Governor Habib and WA Democrats are among those calling for Shea to be removed and condemned.
Script: Hi, I’m [NAME] with Indivisible Tacoma and I’m from [STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP]. I am contacting you in your role as Minority Leader asking you to remove Representative Matt Shea from the House Republican Caucus. His support for white nationalist extremists is unacceptable.
Protect the Salish Sea/ Olympic Peninsula Environment
We need to stop a plan by the US Navy to begin treetop high training missions over the area from the Hood Canal to the ocean over some of the most sensitive and significant areas in our state. These training runs will disrupt all living things in a huge area of the Salish Sea, the Olympic Mountains and Park and the ocean. This threatens the Orca and their food sources too.
More info:
- Conservation Statement and Navy Statement.
- Talking Points from Olympic Park Associates
- Fact Sheet from Olympic Park Associates
ACTION 1. Use This Comment Form and write: “I am opposed to a plan by the US Navy to begin treetop high training missions over the area from the Hood Canal to the ocean over some of the most sensitive and significant areas in Washington State.” Feel free to use your own words and add info from the talking points and fact sheet above.
ACTION 2. Call Sens. Pat Murray (202)-224-2621, Maria Cantwell (202) 224-3441, and Rep. Derek Kilmer (D-6) (202) 225-5916 or Denny Heck (D-10) (360) 459-8514.
SCRIPT: Please stop a plan by the US Navy to begin treetop high training missions over the area from the Hood Canal to the ocean over some of the most sensitive and significant areas in our state. These training runs will disrupt all living things in a huge area of the Salish sea, the Olympic Mountains and Park and the ocean. This threatens the Orca and their food sources too.
Stop Fracked Gas Projects!
This month we signed a letter calling on Gov. Jay Inslee to oppose all new and expanded fracked gas projects. This includes the liquid natural gas (LNG) plant Puget Sound Energy (PSE) is trying to force on the City of Tacoma and the Puyallup Tribe’s ancestral waters. If you’d like to read the letter, it’s here. We also encourage you to call Gov. Inslee at (360) 902-4111 or send him an e-message here:
by indivisibletacoma | Apr 4, 2018 | Actions, Events, News
April 11 – SAVE THE DATE!
Did you know that only 23% of Pierce County voted in the election last November?
Your Education and Outreach Team has been busy creating a membership training to increase that percentage. Come to the training, and develop the skills and confidence you need to register voters in any situation. We will review the rules and procedures, help you team up with other voter registration enthusiasts, lead you through confidence-building exercises, and help you identify good locations.
So that you leave fully equipped and ready to go, we have Voter Registration Packets for volunteers who complete the training. The Packets include:
- One each: Pocket Folder, Volunteer Instruction Sheet, Washington State Guide to Registering Voters, 11×17 display sign, Directory of Officials
- Twenty-five Voter Registration Forms in English
- Five each: Voter Registration Forms in Spanish, Vietnamese and Chinese
- Two each: 8×11 laminated display signs and Voter Pamphlets
To defray the costs of the laminated signs we are asking for a suggested donation of $5.00 for each packet.
Please join us on April 11, at 6:30, at the Unitarian Universalist Church at:
1115 South 56th St, Tacoma, WA 98408
You can share the event with your Facebook friends here.
LET’S get GOING!!!!
Thank You,
Your Education and Outreach Team