Attend the Seattle Climate March with Us!

Join fellow Indivisible Tacoma members and friends as we bus to Seattle to march for the future of our planet. Stand together to #resist policies that contribute to climate change. There is no plan(et) B.

Wear your IT shirts, bring a sign, and march with the IT banner!

Invite your friends. Carpooling or transit to Tacoma Dome Station (TDS) is encouraged. Post comments to make arrangements with fellow marchers. Bring your ORCA card or $3.75 cash for transit fare EACH WAY.

8:58 AM – ST 594 departs TDS Zone B
9:48 AM – arrive at Occidental Square
10:00 AM – 2:00 PM – March 1 mile up Fourth to Westlake Park

Return to Tacoma at your convenience depending on event schedule. ST 594 leaves Westlake Center about every 30 minutes. Suggested return trip:
2:14 PM – ST 594 departs from Westlake Center (400 Pine St)
3:13 PM – arrive at TDS

People’s Climate March – Seattle
RSVP for the main event on Facebook