Fighting Disinformation ? in Elections

Fighting Disinformation ? in Elections

Let’s talk about one of our nation’s greatest threats: Disinformation. Since childhood, teachers and other adults in our lives have sung the glories of our “Free Press.” But how free is it, really?

Disinformation in U.S. elections is rampant, and it’s not just the Russians. We know the White House and Fox News are always hard at work spinning a tangled, sticky web of lies. But we also absorb an endless barrage of untruths and half-truths from sources we trust.

Where Does Disinformation Come From?

Sometimes they come from the well-meaning friend or family member who shares stirring stories of dubious provenance on social media. But more often, they come from our major news outlets. They utter no outright falsehoods, of course. Yet they steer the conversation in subtle ways.

For instance, they give climate change deniers air time, which lends weight to their views. They show yearbook photos for white teenage crime suspects and mugshots for teenage crime suspects of color. Popular programs that exist successfully in every modern nation except ours — like Single Payer healthcare, green energy initiatives, tuition-free education, paid family leave, and a living minimum wage — are routinely dismissed as “too expensive,” “unrealistic,” or — heaven forbid! — “Socialist.”

So how do we educate and prepare ourselves, our loved ones, and our neighbors for disinformation in the upcoming elections? Desiree Williams Finch from FUSE Washington will give a talk on this at our upcoming General Meeting on Weds. July 10th.


In This Week’s Update…


What’s New

We’re all abuzz here with last week’s happenings. We held a well-attended rally to impeach Trump, joined the NWDC Resistance in a Father’s Day protest against family separation and immigrant detentions, and attended a jam-packed voter outreach gathering with Pierce County Democrats.

If Your Door’s a-Knockin’, ? Pierce County Democrats  ? Are a-Rockin’

House Democrats passed a slew of popular bills this year. Meanwhile, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) sits on them while watching his ratings sink lower and lower by the day. The Washington State Legislature’s been even busier, passing landmark legislation for a Public Option, Tribal Voting Rights, Orca Recovery, and 100% Clean Electricity by 2045. And, of course, Gov. Jay Inslee signed them. ? Thank you, Jay Inslee.

And There’s More Where That Came From…

Several of us from Indivisible Tacoma joined a jam-packed crowd at the IBEW 76 Hall for the Pierce County Democrats’ big outreach kickoff event. We’re not asking folks for their votes yet, but it’s never too early to start touching base. For now, it’s all about knocking on doors and making phone calls to chat with neighbors about what’s most important for our communities.

Desiree Williams Finch from FUSE Washington (The Progressive Voters’ Guide – front row, right ) gave a rousing speech on getting out the vote and getting all of us — including people of color and LGBTQ folks — onboard in our efforts to turn Pierce County Blue. Jaimie Smith (front row, second from right), a teacher from Puyallup’s LD 25, then talked about how doorbelling, phone calls, and postcards can make all the difference in a race. She ought to know. In a closely-fought race against Kelly Chambers, a formidable GOP incumbent, Smith, a novice, lost by just 611 votes. Several other folks running in local races also gave inspiring speeches.

We then split up and knocked on doors for a couple of hours. But instead of talking about the election, we asked about people want for themselves and our communities. Healthcare, housing, and helping the homeless emerged as top concerns. Neighbors also talked about everything from potholes to schools to jobs, transit, schools, climate change, and long commutes.

When we returned, Pierce County Democrats fed us lunch. Then Rep. Derek Kilmer (D-6) came by and regaled us with all the bills he and his fellow House Democrats passed this year.

The People’s Court Rules: It’s ⏰ Time to Impeach ? (Rally)

On Saturday, June 15, around 100 Indivisibles gathered at the U.S. District Courthouse in downtown Tacoma to demand the House impeach the GOP’s president. We were all in high spirits, did lots of protest chants, got lots of approving (and disapproving) honks from cars passing by, and so many of us had amazing signs. Thank you to all who turned out!

Here are some photos.

La Resistencia (NWDC Resistance) – Father’s Day Action

On father’s day, we get together with our dads and granddads to share gifts, fun, love, and memories. But some families can’t be together on this special day.

La Resistencia held an event to tell ICE and the for-profit GEO Group that owns the Northwest Detention Center (NWDC) that Father’s Day should be spent at home with family and community – and NOT in prison! They held a rally to fundraise for Saja Tunkara, who, as described on the GoFundMe page,

“… was ripped away from his wife and two children and then deported after calling out the medical neglect and mistreatment of ICE and GEO. Saja is still in need of medical care. All funds will support him and his family.”

If you missed the event, you can still donate here:

Here are the photos:

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Save the Dates! Upcoming IT Meetings

Over the next couple of weeks, we’re having meetings for our Voter Registration team and Legislative Action team. Also, we’ve got our General Meeting with Desiree Williams Finch from Fuse and a fun and social picnic coming up.

Voter Registration and Engagement Meeting

Voter Registration 2020 Kickoff - Photo of "Vote" written on sidewalk with V formed by person standing with red white and blue sneakers.

The last day to vote for our local primary election is on August 6, 2019. And the 2020 contests will be here before you know it. We apologize for not getting this e-newsletter reminder out in time meeting. But you can still involved. Our state’s new voting laws make this an exciting time to get our friends, family, and neighbors registered to vote.

If you couldn’t come to the meeting but would like to be included in future activities, contact Nina Rook via our contact form and we’ll keep you in the loop.

Monday, June 24, 6:15 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
University Place Library Meeting Room
3609 Market Place West
University Place

At the Voter Registration and Engagement team meeting, we discussed the following:
  • Update on progress since last month’s successful kick-off
  • Plan registration activities over the summer
  • Plan how to support pre-registration in schools and colleges
  • Learn how to use IT’s dedicated MyVote voter registration link, and help people to register themselves online
  • Explore instances where paper registrations are better than online
  • Find ways to drive actual turnout. How do we get the ballot off the kitchen table and into the (free!) mail?

Do you — or someone you know — want to check and see if your registered to vote or if your information is current? If so, click our Register to Vote link. And once again, this is a super exciting time to get involved in getting voters registered for the 2019 local elections and the 2020 state and national elections.

Once again, because we can’t recommend this highly enough: If you’d like to get involved, contact Nina Rook via our contact form

Legislative Action Team Meeting

Image with colorful raised hands and talk balloons. Indivisible Tacoma - General Meeting, events, actions, and MoC Meetings.

Get involved in creating positive change by meeting with and contacting our members of Congress (MoCs), senators, and state lawmakers.

Monday, July 1, 6:00 p.m.
Lakewood Library
 6300 Wildaire Rd SW, Lakewood

27th LD Meeting with State Reps. Laurie Jinkins and Jake Fey

Photos of Wa. State Reps. Jake Fey and Laurie Jinkins for LD 27.

Washington State Reps. Jake Fey and Laurie Jinkins (D-27).

Tuesday, July 9th 2:00 p.m.
The Red Elm Cafe
1114 Martin Luther King Jr. Way, Tacoma

Are you in the 27th legislative district (LD)? If so, join us for coffee and a meet and greet with our Washington State Reps. Laurie Jinkins and Jake Fey. They’ll tell us what’s going on in the state legislature and we’ll share our hopes and concerns.

July General Meeting ? Disinformation and Elections

Desiree Wilkins Finch from FUSE Washington.

With featured speaker Desiree Williams Finch from FUSE Washington
Pierce County and the Progressive Voters’ Guide

Weds. July 10, 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Tahoma Unitarian Universalist Congregation
1115 S 56th St Tacoma, WA 98408
Map with Directions.

Indivisible Tacoma Picnic

Monday, July 15th, 5:00 p.m.
Kobayashi Park
University Place (across the intersection for Fred Meyers on Bridgeport

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This Week’s Actions

The bad news is Donald Trump’s still in the White House. The good news is we can all resist and push for positive change no matter how much or little time we have this week. We’ll do it together, one action at a time. Need your rep.’s phone number? We’ve got ’em.

  1. Tell your member of Congress to vote NO on additional funding for Trump’s deportation machine. ⏏️
    Next week, the Democratic-controlled House will vote on a bill to provide additional funding to the Department of Homeland Security. The Senate will vote on its own bill, which will contain nearly $5 billion for DHS. We need our members of Congress to stand up and refuse to give Trump more money to terrorize communities and lock up families.
  2. Keep the pressure up on your MoC to open an impeachment inquiry. ?
    We need to make it clear that the momentum from the events on June 15 isn’t going to let up; call your MoC and tell them the time is now to open an impeachment inquiry (and when you’re done calling, submit a letter to the editor, write a note to your MoC, and record a video).
  3. Submit a video asking your question for the 2020 candidates!  ?
    We’ve set up a Soapboxx landing page so you and your members can create short videos about the presidential debates next week. We’ve created quick prompts for questions to ask before, during and right after the debates to ask the candidates. Share the Soapboxx page and invite your members to make their own video telling candidates what issues they want to hear about.
  4. Sign up to attend a debate watch party on June 26-27. ?
    Indivisibles across the country will be gathering on June 26 and 27 in living rooms, restaurants, and bars to cheer on our candidates and push for a nominee who truly represents our values. Find an event with your local Indivisible chapter today or host your own and invite your friends!

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Featured Events

Below are some upcoming events and happenings with our progressive allies. For more listings, check out our Calendar of Events.

26th LD Democrats Presidential Debate Nights at the IMAX

Wednesday, June 26 and Thursday, June 27, 6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Watch both nights of the 2019 Democratic Presidential Candidate Debates with your friends and neighbors on a giant 70 ft x 40 ft screen at the Gig Harbor Galaxy Uptown IMAX Theater.   Co-Sponsors: 26th Legislative District Democrats and 28th Legislative District Democrats Co-hosts: Pierce County Democratic Central Committee, Kitsap County Democratic Central Committee Tickets:

Race Matters Book Club

Wednesday, June 26⋅6:30 – 8:30pm
Monthly on the fourth Wednesday, until Jun 25, 2020
Tahoma Unitarian Universalist Congregation
1115 S 56th St, Tacoma

Lights for Liberty Vigil

Friday July 12, 2019
7:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.
Northwest Detention Center
1623 East J Street, Tacoma

On Friday, July 12th, 2019, Lights for Liberty: A Vigil to End Human Detention Camps, will bring thousands of Americans to detention camps across the country, into the streets and into their own front yards, to protest the inhumane conditions faced by refugees.

Other key events are planned in Homestead, Fla.; San Diego, Calif., New York City at Foley Square, and Washington D.C. in front of the Capitol Building

350 Tacoma Open House

Sunday, July 14, 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
311 Puyallup Avenue, Tacoma

Come down and join us as we celebrate our beautiful new headquarters and community space with an open house. We are thrilled about the endless possibilities this space offers and to have a home base to continue to grow a meaningful community centered on the climate movement in the South Puget Sound.

We will provide food, beverages, and music. This is a drop-in event, but at 3:50 p.m. Puyallup Tribal Council Member Tim Reynon will offer a blessing over the space and we will take a group photo to commemorate the event and celebrate our community.

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It’s ⏰ Time to Impeach Trump ? (Rally)

It’s ⏰ Time to Impeach Trump ? (Rally)

This Saturday, Indivisible members and friends across the nation will gather at rallies to urge Congress to impeach Trump. Why bother, when it’s polling so poorly? After all, the GOP-run Senate won’t do their duty, and we’d just wind up with Mike Pence? Still, we should do it because it’s the right thing to do.

In this week’s update:

Rally:⚖️The People’s Court Moves to Impeach Trump

Want Congress to impeach Trump? All in favor, say “aye” and come join us!

Saturday, June 15th, 12:00 p.m.
U.S. District Court (and Union Station)
1717 Pacific Ave, Tacoma

Trump claims the Mueller Report exonerates him. But that’s not what Mueller said.

“If we had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said that.”
— Robert Mueller

Let’s tell Congress to do its job & begin impeachment proceedings now! Congress must use the full extent of its oversight and investigative powers to get the full truth and hold Trump accountable. Even if the Senate won’t vote to impeach Trump and the polls show only 43 percent in favor, it’s the right thing to do.

Our theme is “In the People’s Court.”

If you can, come dressed as an old-fashioned judge with a black robe and a long, white wig. If you can’t, please wear black. And definitely bring signs!

✍️ Also, Please Sign This Statement to Congress

Indivisible U.S.has a letter that demands that Congress conduct an impeachment inquiry. This needs to happen before we can impeach Trump. Please read this Statement to Congress, then scroll down and sign with your name, your chapter (Indivisible Tacoma), and your congressional district number. It only takes a couple of minutes!

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Father’s Day Rally Outside Tacoma Immigration Prison

Hosted by La Resistencia
Sunday, June 16, 2019 at 2 PM – 4 PM
Northwest Detention Center
Tacoma, Washington 98421

Join La Resistencia to tell ICE and GEO that Father’s Day should be spent at home with family and community – and NOT in prison!
At the rally we will be fundraising for Saja Tunkara, who was ripped away from his wife and two children and then deported after calling out the medical neglect and mistreatment of ICE and GEO. Saja is still in need of medical care. All funds will support him and his family.

If you cannot attend, please donate at:


Meetings ?️ with Our MoCs & State Legislators

Photo of Indivisible Tacoma members meeting with Maria Cantwell.

March 23, 2019. 10 members of Indivisible Tacoma met with Sen. Maria Cantwell to ask for her support on core issues. We also congratulated her on getting S.R. 47 passed. The Natural Resources Management Act is a massive package of over 130 bills sets aside millions of acres for public lands.

Trump supporters are calling and meeting with our lawmakers. Are we?

We’ve got some meetings coming up with our Members of Congress (MoCs), and our state legislators. The more of us who show up to these meetings, the more support they see for a bill, and the more pressure it puts on them. And if you can’t show up, you can still make a phone call or send an email (or letter) in support

Here’s how these meetings work: Folks from the Legislative Action Team call our MoCs and set up meetings with them or with their district directors. We then write a letter with a list of policies and/or specific bills we want them to support. 15 minutes before the meeting, we all gather in the lobby to sign the letter. At the meeting, we present the letter and tell stories about how these issues impact our communities and our personal lives.  And then, we ask if we can count on their support for these issues.

Since Washington’s a “blue” most of our lawmakers vote the way we want most of the time. But not always. For starters, the 28th Legislative District (LD) still has a GOP relic in our state Senate (Steve O’Ban), and the 25th district’s state legislators all have (R) after their names. Nor are any of our senators and reps in Washington onboard with Medicare for All or the Green New Deal.

Want to get involved with these meetings? Fill out our contact form:

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Newsy ? Bits

350 Tacoma Torches ? PSE and Debunks Their LNG “Clean Energy” Myths

Puget Sound Energy claims their liquid natural gas (LNG) plant will provide clean energy and cleaner fuels for ships at the Port of Tacoma. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Sure, liquid natural gas burns cleaner. But the fracking and methane-laden processes involved in producing LNG is another story entirely.

LNG: Environmental Benefit or Tragedy? (General Meeting

Indivisible Tacoma general meeting, featuring Daniel Villa & Bradley Thompson from 350 Tacoma.Weds. June 5, 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.Tahoma Unitarian Universalist Congregation1115 S 56th St Tacoma, WA 98408

Posted by Indivisible Tacoma on Wednesday, June 5, 2019

What’s Wrong with the LNG Plant? Let Us Count the Ways.

If you don’t have time to watch, here’s a quick summary of the points made.

  • This project violates the Puyallup Tribe’s water rights — which U.S. treaties guarantee in perpetuity — and is an assault on their culture.
  • The Tacoma City Council approved the LNG plant based on a faulty Environmental Impact Study (EIS)
  • Fracked gas is worse for the climate than coal, because methane is 96 times worse than carbon dioxide over a 20 year period.
  • Tarika Powell from the Sightline Institute notes a multitude of safety concerns. For starters, many residential and public areas are less than 3 miles away.
  • At $310 million, plus $13.5 million for access roads, the LNG plant is danged expensive. PSE customers will pay 43% of the cost and will only get 7% of the energy produced. And that’s not even counting the massive tax breaks.

For more information, see 350 Tacoma’s What’s Wrong with Puget Sound Energy’s Fracked Gas Project?

House Passes H.R. 6, the ? American Dream and Promise Act

H.R. 6, the American Dream and Promise Act, has finally passed the House of Representatives with unanimous Democratic support. ? ?

This. Is. Huge. And the victory belongs to every single person who called their member of Congress and showed up at district offices across the nation to demand #DreamAndPromiseNow. And, of course, the lion’s share of the credit goes to those who organized this: United We Dream, UndocuBlack, the National Immigration Law Center, the National TPS Alliance, and the efforts of champions like Reps. Chuy García, Ayanna Pressley, Ilhan Omar, and Rashida Tlaib.

Of course, Republicans in the Senate are unlikely to pass this without adding “border security” measures that we won’t support. But protecting DREAMers is a clear example of how the Democratic Party can improve the lives of millions of people… If we can take back the White House and the Senate.

Nominees Wanted for Our State ? LGBTQ Commission

From the Rainbow Center‘s newsletter:

The Governor’s Office is welcoming nominations for the LGBTQ Commission. This is the first time that a state takes the initiative to create a Commission with the sole purpose of protecting LGBTQ residents. Rainbow Center encourages people from our community to take part of this historic moment by applying to be a Commissioner. It will be very important for the diverse and resilient LGBTQ community in Pierce County to have a voice at this Commission.

Also, congratulations to the Washington State Legislature. They were busy during this last session working to protect LGBTQ rights in the state. Among the important pieces of legislation signed by Gov. Jay Inslee there were:

  • Anti-bullying protections for trans students.
  • Higher fines for hate crimes.
  • Adding non-binary options to state records.
  • The creation of a state-wide LGBTQ Commission.

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Calendar of Upcoming Local Events

Below are highlights from this and next week’s events with our progressive allies. For a complete list of community happenings, see our Calendar of Events page.

The Black Celebration

hosted by the Black Affinity Dinner Planning Committee and sponsored by the Just & Healthy Food System.

Sat. June 15, 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
2136 MLK Jr. Way, Tacoma, Wash. 98405

Free (more info at EventBrite):

This is an event honoring Amazing Black People and the work they do in Tacoma.

Please join us for this free event that will include dinner, DJ, performances, and most importantly the honorees. The honorees are people we as a committee believe are doing phenomenal work in the community.

Point Defiance Beach Cleanup

Saturday, June 15, 2019
9:00 a.m.– 12:00 p.m.
Point Defiance Marina
5912 N Waterfront Dr, Tacoma, Wash. 98407

Join other volunteers to make a difference in the health and cleanliness of our beach. Meet at the Point Defiance Marina at 9 am. This event occurs rain or shine! Beach cleanup events are held every 3rd Saturday at Point Defiance Marina.

For more details, click here:

Salt March Kickoff Celebration

Hosted by 350 Tacoma with Earth Corps

Saturday, June 15th, 10:00a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Rhone-Poulenc Salt Marsh
1747 Port of Tacoma Rd, Tacoma, WA 98421-3714

Gloves, tools, snacks & water provided.

350 Tacoma, with the support of EarthCorps and Tacoma Environmental Services, has been working hard since January 2018 to steward and restore a small neglected salt marsh on the Blair Waterway in the Tacoma Tideflats, nestled between an oil terminal and a container shipping yard. Literally hundreds of people have volunteered their time, passion, energy, and labor to love this little oasis back to health. And we’ve still got so much work to do!

Now come celebrate with us! EarthCorps and the City of Tacoma are marking the first year of their Tacoma Open Spaces Program. Join us on June 15, 10am to noon, as we take a break from the work and celebrate what we’ve been able to accomplish.

Food and beverages provided. Plant-based food catered by Quickie Too! No RSVP necessary.

For more details, click here:

Democratic Party: Voter Outreach Across Pierce County

Saturday, June 22, 2019
10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
IBEW 76 – 3049 S. 36th St., Tacoma, Wash. 98409

Schedule for Voter Outreach Event

  • 10:00 a.m.: Doors open, social and refreshments
    with your local Democratic leaders
  • 10:45 a.m.: Panel Discussion – The Importance of Voter Contact!
  • Rising Star Volunteer Training – Deep Listening Canvassing 101
  • Get Active! – Team Up for Deep Listening Canvassing, Phone Banking, OR Postcard Outreach Campaign
  • 2:30 p.m.: Let’s Eat! – Light meal served by our elected leaders
  • Closing Remarks

Volunteers will be entered into a drawing for free tickets to the IMAX Presidential Debate Event (June 26 and 27) and other prizes. Get an extra chance to win for each friend you bring!

Community Conversation on Race & the Power of an Illusion

Saturday, June 22, 2019 at 5 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Salishan Family Investment Center FIC
1724 East 44th Street, Tacoma, Wash. 98404

Join our Human Rights Commission’s Racial Justice and Equity Committee for a community conversation on race and the power of an illusion. This free event provides an opportunity for an open dialogue around race in the United States.

To learn more about Tacoma’s Human Rights Commission, visit

Fierce Vulnerability: Direct Action that Heals and Transforms

WWFOR’s 61st Annual N.W. Regional Conference at Seabeck, Wash.

June 28th-July 1st, 2019

Hosted by the Western Washington Fellowship of Reconciliation (WWFOR)

Traditionally we have had multiple workshops on a variety of issues under a common theme. In recognition of activists’ needs at this particular point in time, all of our 200-250 attendees will share a single focus. You are invited to join us for a long weekend of learning and growing and practicing in community.

Held at the beautiful Seabeck Conference Center, this is a family friendly event with programming for teens and child care available.

For more info, click here:

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?And Remember…

Impeach Trump: Illustration with Donald Trump behind bars.

It’s time for us to impeach Trump.

General Meeting 6/5: LNG ? Benefit or ☠️ Tragedy?

General Meeting 6/5: LNG ? Benefit or ☠️ Tragedy?

We’re ending spring with a bang as we gear up for summer and the 2020 election. Here’s what’s in this week’s newsletter.


Indivisible Tacoma General Meetings

? June: Tacoma Liquid Natural Gas Plant: Environmental Benefit or Tragedy?

With featured speakers Daniel Villa from 350 Tacoma and Bradley Thompson from 350 Seattle.

Weds. June 5, 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Tahoma Unitarian Universalist Congregation
1115 S 56th St Tacoma, WA 98408
Map with Directions.

? July: Disinformation and Elections

With featured speakers from FUSE Tacoma: Pierce County and the Progressive Voters’ Guide

Weds. July 10, 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Tahoma Unitarian Universalist Congregation
1115 S 56th St Tacoma, WA 98408
Map with Directions.


Learning from PLU’s Winning Gen Z Voter Registration Campaign

Meeting on Pacific Lutheran University (PLU)'s successful efforts at registering Gen Zers to vote.

Riley Dolan and Deanna Hobbs talking with Indivisible Tacoma’s Sue Schaeffer on registering Gen Z voters Photo: Nina Rook.

Think of 74 million Americans who are growing up with school shootings and climate change, who don’t remember the world before 9/11, who are more diverse than any previous generation, and who saw the loser of the popular vote take the White House in 2016.

Now, how do we get them to register to vote?

Last week seven of us from Indivisible Tacoma and the Tacoma Women’s Think Tank sat down with Riley Dolan and Deanna Hobbs from Pacific Lutheran University (PLU). This duo’s voter registration efforts were featured in Forbes, and they just won the Governor’s Student Voter Registration Challenge. Naturally, we wanted to find out what makes their campaign so successful.

Among their findings:

  • Show young people that other people their age register – they register when they see people like themselves
  • Make it social – turn registering and voting into a social event (We loved the idea of ballot parties in coffee shops!)
  • Show how small vote numbers swing the results of elections with major consequences
  • Focus on engagement as well as registration – they mailed students “pledge card” reminders as the ballots were arriving
  • Know your constituency – for instance, it does not make sense for an Alaskan student to register in Washington if this will cost them their Permanent Fund dividend; better register as an Alaska absentee voter

We thank Riley and Deanna, for giving us their time during a busy finals week.


Congratulations on Our Huge #StopTheBans Rally Turnout!

Wow. On Tuesday, May 21 at noon, nearly 200 of us came together at the U.S. District Courthouse in downtown Tacoma to protest harsh anti-choice laws in 15 states. This was part of a nationwide action to support freedom for women. We thank our members and progressive allies at 350 Tacoma, Indivisibles Puyallup and Gig Harbor, Red Berets Medicare for All, and others for this incredible turnout. And thank you, Damita O’Dell from our Events & Rallies team for organizing it.

Here are more photos from our Facebook feed.

Call to Action: Release the Mueller Report! April 4 at 5:30 p.m.

Call to Action: Release the Mueller Report! April 4 at 5:30 p.m.

“Release Mueller Report Now! Rally” This Thursday at 5:30 p.m.

Attorney General Barr has tried to draw his own conclusions over the contents of the Mueller Report. By law, THIS IS NOT HIS JOB!  He is required to inform Congress, not judge the report for himself. It is the job of our Congress to review the evidence and make their own conclusions. They cannot do this without the full report.

(Please note: there is a small chance that Barr may release the full Mueller documents before this and if that happens we will update.)

According to Neal Katyal , the U.S. Solicitor General that wrote the regulations guiding Barr:

“The public has every right to see Mueller’s conclusions. Absolutely nothing in the law or the regulations prevents the report from becoming public. Until Congress is provided the full report, it cannot determine the seriousness of the evidence regarding possible obstruction of justice by this President”.

Will you put this on your calendar and stand shoulder to shoulder with Olympia Indivisible to tell our leaders?

Come join your fellow Indivisibles and progressive allies at 5:30-6:15 PM, April 4th on the steps of the Legislature (north side).

Wa State Capitol Legislative Bldg North Steps
Olympia, WA 98501

Bring signs, your passion, and make a difference!  It will be short, sweet, and powerful if we all commit to this.

To RSVP or get more info, click here:

You can also text JOIN to 668366 to receive our text alerts.