This Weds: Learn About Manka Dhingra’s Campaign
This year’s special election in Washington State’s 45th Legislative District is a referendum on the Trump Administration.
Although Indivisible Tacoma has not endorsed a candidate, we believe that Manka Dhingra, if elected, will be a strong advocate for proper educational funding, rights of women and immigrants, improvement of our criminal justice system, and addressing the needs of citizens struggling with substance abuse disorders and mental health issues. She has a distinguished career working in these areas and wants to bring her expertise and leadership to Olympia as a Senator.
Members of Indivisible Tacoma will have the opportunity to hear more about Ms. Dhingra at our next general meeting on June 14th. Dillon Gilbert, outreach coordinator with her campaign, will be making a presentation.
Indivisible chapters can contribute the magic ingredient, “boots on the ground,” to help her campaign. Personal contact with voters is the most effective method in influencing election results. Consider volunteering to canvas in the 45th.
If Indivisible Tacoma becomes a strong component leading to her victory, we will gain the clout we need to have a greater impact on current legislators and future elections.
Hope to see you on June 14th 6:30-8pm!
Address: 1115 S 56th St, Tacoma, WA 98408
Please RSVP here.