Hello everyone! This week’s jam-packed with ways to make your voice heard through actions and events. Tonight we’ve got a Town Hall with state Sen. Steve O’Ban (R-28) and this afternoon, our Legislative Action Committee meets with Sens. Maria Cantwell and Patty Murray. But if you can’t make it to those, we’ve got some national and state actions that require just a quick email or phone call. You don’t even need to wait for an action to come along. We’ve got all of our lawmakers’ phone numbers right here.
Also in This Email:
- Town Hall Meeting with State Sen. Steve O’Ban (R-28) TONIGHT
- Upcoming Indivisible Meetings and Events
- This Week’s National Action (Yes, Just One)
- This Week’s State Actions
- Help Wanted!
Last Wednesday we had our first general meeting for 2019, and it went swimmingly. Evan Koepfler, field organizer for Pierce County Democrats gave a presentation on Rise and Run. This exciting new program provides tools, resources, and training for progressives like you who are thinking of running for political office. For more information, visit the Rise and Run website. Members of our steering team then gave their reports and we then adjourned fo break into smaller groups and to enjoy cake in honor of Indivisible Tacoma’s second anniversary.

Evan Koepfler presents Rise and Run for the Indivisible Tacoma General meeting on March 20, 2019.
This past weekend was also action-packed. On Friday, Louisa, Ellen, and Damita joined Tacoma’s kids and local activists at Wright Park for the Global Youth Climate Strike (shown in the featured image above). Our state lawmakers also held Town Hall meetings over the weekend. If you went to any of them, we’d love it if you could send us a brief report via email (IndivisibleTacomaChapter @ gmail.com) or our contact form. If you attend any events for Indivisible Tacoma, local lawmakers, local progressive allies, etc. please send photos to our Facebook, Twitter (@IndivisibleTac), Instagram (@IndivisibleTacoma), or email.
Town Hall Meeting with State Sen. Steve O’Ban (R-28) TONIGHT
Rep. Steve O’Ban (R-28) is holding a town hall meeting on State Initiative 1000, the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Act which is currently before the State Legislature. This is a rare thing for him when it comes to diversity issues! Your conservatives neighbors are going, are you? Make your voice heard!
Tuesday March 26, 2019. 6:30 p.m.
University Place Branch Library 2609 Market Place West
Upcoming Indivisible Tacoma Meetings & Events
Members of Congress (MoCs) Meeting with Sens. Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell
Tuesday March 26 (tonight), 4:00 p.m.
950 Pacific Ave, Tacoma, WA, 98402
Legislative Action Team Meeting
Tuesday, April 2, 2019
6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
University Place Pierce County Library
3609 Market Pl W, University Place, WA 98466
Meeting Room
Steering Team Meeting
Monday, April 22, 2019
University Place Pierce County Library
3609 Market Pl W, University Place, WA 98466
Conference Room
General Meeting: Voter Registration 2.0: New technology, new laws!
Featured Speaker: Julie Anderson, Pierce County Auditor,
Wednesday, May 1, 2019
6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Tahoma Unitarian Universalist Congregation
1115 S 56th St, Tacoma, WA 98408
This Week’s National Action
Ask Our Reps to Subpoena White House Documents — and the Mueller Report! — to Expose Corruption
Call your rep. Ask them to support having the House leadership subpoena all documents needed to investigate the corruption of the Trump White House.
SCRIPT: Hello. My name is ____________ from (address or zip code), a constituent and a member of Indivisible Tacoma. I’m calling to ask Rep. _______________ to join with the Democratic leadership to urge the House Oversight and Reform Committee to subpoena all documents needed to expose all corruption on the part of any and all members of the Trump administration and White House Staff. This includes the Mueller Report.
Here are our reps’ phone numbers.
- Rep. Derek Kilmer (D-6) 253-272-3515
- Rep. Adam Smith (D-9) 425-793-5180
- Rep. Denny Heck (D-10) 253-533-8332
- Rep. Kim Schrier (R-8) 202-225-7761

Photo CC by A-SA 3.0 Bluedisk via Wikimedia Commons.
This Week’s State House Actions (Do By Thursday)
This looks like a lot, but not all of these are for all districts. Here’s the breakdown:
- 28th District: Two action emails.
- 25th and 29th districts: One action email.
- 27th District: One phone call.
LGBT (28th District ONLY)
ACTION EMAIL! Send an email to Christine Kilduff (D-28) Christine.Kilduff@leg.wa.gov. a member of the House Education Committee. Urge her to vote to support this bill and pass it out of committee. This bill will be heard in Executive Session on March 28th!ov,
Healthcare (25th, 28th, and 29th Districts)
SB 5822 would create a workgroup for a broad range of health care stakeholders to study and make recommendations to the legislature on a universal health care system that is sustainable and affordable for all Washington state residents.
- 25th: Chris Gildon Chris.Gildon@leg.wa.gov
- 28th Mari Leavitt: Mari.Leavitt@leg.wa.gov
- 29th: Melanie Morgan: Melanie.Morgan@leg.wa.gov
Script: Hello. I’m ___________________ from (zip code or address). I’m one of your constituents and a member of Indivisible Tacoma. Please support SB 6822 to create a workgroup that includes a broad range of health care stakeholders who will study and make recommendations to the state leg. for a statewide universal health care system that is sustainable and affordable for all Washington state residents.
Immigration: Policies to protect all Washington residents (27th District)
E2SSB 5497 Establishing a statewide policy supporting Washington State’s economy and immigrants’ role in the workplace. Since the bill has been scheduled for executive sessions in the House Civil Rights & Judiciary Committee, urge the Committee Chair Rep. Laurie Jinkins to push this bill to the floor for action and to vote yes for E2SSB 5497.
ACTION: Call Rep. Laurie Jinkins (D) 360-786-7930
SCRIPT: Hello. I’m ___________________ from (zip code or address). I’m one of your constituents and a member of Indivisible Tacoma. We urge you, as House Civil Rights & Judiciary Committee, to push E2SSB 5497 bill to the floor for action and to vote yes for protecting immigrants and all Washington state residents.
Thank you, Olympia Indivisible, for all your helpful information on this week’s actions in drawing up this list.
Help Wanted!
We need help for lots of things, including
- A secretary to record minutes for our Steering Committee meetings. update member list, and other organizational tasks
- Posting updates and announcements to our events calendar, blog, and social media channels
- Greeting people, setting up, and breaking down for Indivisible Tacoma’s meetings and events
- Brief reports on photos and videos for local political events and actions with Indivisible Tacoma, our lawmakers, our public officials, our City Council, and our allies.
- Someone who attends lots of local politics events and a visual arts/graphics person to post memes, photos, and videos on our Facebook, Twitter (@IndivisibleTac), and especially our Instagram
Please get in touch with us via email (IndivisibleTacomaChapter @ gmail.com) or our Contact Us page. Also, if you aren’t already on our email list, sign up here!