CALL TO ACTION – Tuesday March 23rd 5 PM Public Comment on Ordinance 28747
The Tacoma City Council will consider Ordinance 28747 at their Tuesday, March 23 5pm Council meeting. We need you to show up and testify in support at the March 23 Council meeting.
If you cannot attend, to send an email or call the Mayor and Council Members (instructions in the comments.)
Ordinance 28747 at adopts a sales tax of 1/10th of 1% for affordable housing.
This would provide about $5 Million/year for affordable housing.
This $5M would leverage another $48 Million annually and create an estimated 160 housing units each year.
We need you to help the Mayor and Council understand what 160 new housing units every year for the next twenty years would mean.
An ordinance amending Chapter 6A.70 of the Municipal Code, relating to an ordinance relating to local sales or use taxes;
authorizing the maximum capacity of the tax authorized under the provisions of House Bill 1590 for housing and related services;
amending Chapter 6A.70 of the Tacoma Municipal Code by the addition of two new sections, to be known and designated as Section 6A.70.041, “Additional sales or use tax for housing and related services—
Imposition,” and Section 6A.70.042, “Additional sales or use tax for housing and related services – Rate”;
and by amending Section 6A.70.120, regarding administration and collection of the tax.