Greetings, Indivisibles! We’re super excited about our upcoming general meeting on May 1 and new voting laws in Washington State. Among other things, these new laws make it easier to register and vote and moves our primary date up from May to March. Julie Anderson, auditor for Pierce County, will explain these laws and how they impact us.
Also, we need to call our reps and ask them to begin impeachment proceedings for the GOP’s president, Donald Trump, and make some calls to our state reps and Jay Inslee.
Voter Registration 2.0: New Tech, New Rules & General Meeting
Please join us and learn how WA state new voting laws will effect you in 2020. Featuring Julie Anderson from the Pierce County Auditor’s Office Sponsored by Indivisible Tacoma and Indivisible Puyallup.
Featuring Julie Anderson, Pierce County Auditor
Wednesday, May 1, 2019, 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Tahoma Unitarian Universalist Congregation
1115 S 56th St, Tacoma, Washington 98408
To let us know you’re coming, RSVP via Facebook or on Indivisible’s website…
Also in This Post:
- It’s Mueller Time! Support Rashida Tlaib’s Impeachment Resolution
- We’re Almost There!
- Results for our Indivisible Survey with our priorities for the primaries
- Actions for the State of Washington
- More Upcoming Events
- Back to General Meeting (Top)
It’s Mueller Time! Support Rashida Tlaib’s Impeachment Resolution
Attorney General William Barr’s release of the Mueller report is heavily redacted. But it still reveals plenty of damning new evidence. It also confirms what most of us already know: That Donald Trump has abused his office, flouted the law, and has repeatedly tried to Indivisible US has released their statement on the Mueller Report, as shown below. Feel free to share! Text Red Line to 977-79 to get the latest updates. Or click here to sign up for the latest updates on Mueller Time.
ACTION: Demand Your Member of Congress Support Rep. Rashida Tlaib’s Impeachment Resolution
Hello, my name is [YOUR NAME] and I am from [CITY/STATE]. I’m calling Rep. [NAME] to urge them to support impeachment hearings immediately and demand that they cosponsor Rep. Rashida Tlaib’s resolution (H.Res. 257) that would instruct the Judiciary Committee to begin investigating whether Trump should be impeached.
Or just show up…
It’s still recess until April 26th, so you can just show up at an event or at your rep’s office. Our MoCs are in your home turf. That means that you can still show up to their scheduled events and ask them to support Rep. Tlaib’s resolution.
Call Rep. Derek Kilmer (D-6) (202) 225-5916 or Denny Heck (D-10) (360) 459-8514.
We’re ALMOST There!
Help Us Raise $500 and Indivisible U.S. Will Match Your Gift
With activists across the nation, we’ve pushed back against the Trump agenda and taken back the House. Now, we want to keep up the good work and also push for positive change at the state legislature here in Washington. We’ve set our goal to raise $500 this month for upcoming actions… AND Indivisible National has offered to match this goal, dollar for dollar — but only for donations we receive THIS MONTH.
Help us reach our goal and meet this matching challenge by chipping in $20.19 — your gift will go twice as far if you give today!
Indivisible Tacoma is completely volunteer-run and we operate on a shoestring budget. Your contributions will help us pay for signs, printed materials, our website, email list, rent for our meeting venue at the Tahoma Unitarian Universal Congregation, voter registration booths, gas, snacks for volunteers, and other expenses.
Chip in $20.19 today so Indivisible Tacoma can keep organize, build power, and continue to fight back in 2019.
Donate to Indivisible Tacoma Today!Thank you!
And the Survey Says…
This is to thank all of you who filled out our survey on priorities for Indivisible and the 2020 election. Here’s the full report. Thank you Nina Rook, for analyzing the data and putting together this incredible document.
Tacoma Indivisibles who completed the survey ranged widely in preferred candidates and policies, but were united in their opposition to the Trump agenda. What we heard was:
- Indivisible Tacoma should not endorse a specific candidate ahead of the primaries – “I don’t think Indivisible should endorse a candidate before the primaries. There are too many good candidates”, “I think endorsing a candidate ahead of the primary is suicide for the group.”
- We think that candidates need to articulate specific, systemic and ambitious solutions to urgent problems. Multiracial inclusion and engagement with activism were also important.
- Nine current candidates got at least 1 “First choice” from our members; Pete Buttegieg and Bernie Sanders each got 10 first choices, while Elizabeth Warren scored highest on points
- Our most important issues were Environment/ climate change, Democracy (secure elections, stopping suppression, campaign etc), Health care (including single-payer universal) and Civil rights (racial justice, LGBTQ rights, gender equity, criminal justice) (tied)
- Members were passionate about many additional issues — “College affordability, reduce military budgets, universal healthcare!”, “Democracy/elections”, “Extinction of Species, plastic pollution of the ocean”, “Stop government corruption, extinction of species”, “Sorry, there are just too many high importance issues! Trump and his enablers have wrecked America.”
We received surveys from 44 Tacoma Indivisibles, from super-volunteers logging over 20 hours a week, to people who spent an hour or less. Priorities were the same, regardless of time available. I think one respondent spoke for many: Yeah, I know I should spend more time.
To read the full report, just go to:
Actions for Washington State
To see what legislative district you’re in, look it up on this map. To look up phone numbers for your rep or senator, click here.

Photo CC by A-SA 3.0 Bluedisk via Wikimedia Commons.
EHB 2009 Establishing a Healthy Environment for All by Addressing Environmental Health Disparities.
ACTION: Comment on the bill or call/email your Senator and ask her/him to get HB 2009, the HEAL Act for environmental justice, passed.
Budget to Fully Fund Salmon Recovery
ACTION: Call Gov. Jay Inslee at (360) 902-4111 or send an e-message to ask that the budget fully fund salmon recovery.
Tim Sheldon Lied to Sam Hunt to Stop HB1195
On Monday during a floor vote on an amendment to House Bill 1195, for the posting of financial affairs statement online, Tim Sheldon told an untruth story about an elected official’s wife being kidnapped while in Mexico. While there was an unfortunate kidnapping it did not unfold as Sheldon professed to his fellow Senators. The untruthful testimony influenced Sam Hunt to urge the other senators to keep the financial statements offline. The amendment was for the posting of financial statements which are designed to disclose potential conflicts of interest from being posted online.
How a WA lawmaker used a fake kidnapping to sway a vote
Sen. Tim Sheldon cited a Mexican kidnapping as an argument for keeping certain info about state and local politicians offline. One problem: it never happened.
ACTION: Tim Sheldon should be reprimanded or censored for telling a lie in his testimony about House Bill 1195, the posting of financial statements online. The amendment is for posting of the truth in financial statements. The senators in their testimony should also uphold that standard during debates in our house. Contact the Washington State ethics board or attend the meeting on May 9.
Next Meeting:
May 9 at 12:00 PM
Senate Rules Room
Contact: Jennifer Strus, Board Counsel
101 Legislative Building, P.O. Box 40482, Olympia, WA 98504-0482
Phone: 360-786-7343 | Email:
Upcoming Events
Below are events with our progressive allies. If you’d like to be listed, please email IndivisibleTacomaChapter @
Environmental Justice for All
Join the Tacoma Urban League Young Professionals at EJ for ALL! The environment impacts us all. Our health, our housing, even how we learn, or what jobs may be available. However, the detrimental effects of climate change greatly impact communities of color at a disproportionate rate.
Join us as we speak with Black Environmental Professionals about climate resilience and current strides being made in the Environmental Justice movement.
Hosted by the Black Women’s Caucus for Washington State
Apr 23 at 6:00 p.m. – Apr 24 at 8:00 p.m.
Asia Pacific Cultural Center
4851 S Tacoma Way, Tacoma, Washington 98409
For more information, see their event page on Facebook.
Meaningful Movie screens People vs The Politicians: A Film Screening
Citizen rebellions exploding all around the country. People Power taking back our democracy. People fed up with partisan warfare and gridlock in Washington. The states are now the battleground…{for more information, click here)
Friday, April 26, 2019 at 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM
Center for Spiritual Living Tacoma
206 N J St, Tacoma, Washington 98403
Black Earth
Saturday, April 27, 11 AM – 3 PM
Hosted by Hilltop Gardens
Peace Community Center
2106 S Cushman Ave, Tacoma, Washington 98405
Black Earth is a community celebration of Black People, our connection to the Earth, each other, and the food that nourishes our body, mind and soul. Black Earth showcases all the ways that Black people in Tacoma are honoring our Blackness and our connection to nature. This event will promote the health and well being of Black people locally, globally, nationally, and internationally.
There will be fun activities for all ages such as interactive music performances, juice bar, arts and crafts, and connecting with local Black Folks doing work within holistic health care. Gather with us around fun, music, and fun!
Register Here:
Become an Activity Lead Here:
Bernie 2020: Organizing Kickoff
Come together with your friends, family, and neighbors to join our historic campaign to defeat Trump and transform America. Join us on April 27th to hear from Senator Sanders about our vision and what it’s going to take to complete the political revolution. If you’re onboard, it’s going to take all of us, so let’s get to work!
Saturday, April 27, 2019 at 2 PM – 4 PM
IBEW Local 76
3049 S 36th St, Tacoma, Washington 98409
For more information, see the Event page on Facebook.