An action conference on reproductive justice: Sponsored by the National Mobilization for Reproductive Justice and Radical Women.

Online Event – Saturday, August 27 – 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.


Admission is free. Suggested donation of $5-$50 can be made with registration.

Join other activists in strategizing next steps in the defense of abortion and reproductive justice.

This national Women’s Rights Day half-day online event opens with a panel on “Perspectives from grassroots leaders,” and features hands-on workshops on “Breaking the race barrier,” “Labor in the forefront,” and “All aboard for next steps.”

Don’t miss it!

Join the National Mobilization for Reproductive Justice in saying:

We, the People, Overrule SCOTUS:

Multitudes of people across the U.S. poured into the streets to protest the travesty of a decision by the U.S. Supreme Court on June 24.

The court’s right-wing reactionaries have dragged U.S. law back in time, overturning 50 years of precedents regarding the right to abortion.

It’s back to the days of pro-segregation “states’ rights” law and bans on contraception and queer identities. And forward to the dystopia of a fertilized egg having all the rights of personhood.

We reject this future. Read our statement here. #StandForRoe #MyDecisionAlone

What we call for:

• Protect & expand Roe v. Wade; safe, legal abortion on demand without apology

• Repeal the Hyde Amendment

• Overturn state barriers to reproductive choices

• Stop forced sterilization

• No to caged kids, forced assimilation, & child welfare abuses

• End medical & environmental racism; for universal healthcare

• Defend queer & trans families

• Guarantee medically sound sex education & affordable childcare

• Sexual self-determination for people with disabilities

• Uphold social progress with expanded voting rights & strong unions

Initiated by Radical Women.

Endorsed by: Alphabet Workers Union CWA Local 1400, American Federation of Government Employees Local 3197, Central Phoenix NOW – Inez Casiano, Communication Workers of America Local 7800, Cornish Federation of Teachers (AFT 4169), Downtown Women for Change, Freedom Socialist Party,Fuerza Mundial Global, Gender Justice League, Georgia NOW, Her Heart Beats Too, Houston Socialist Movement,Houston United Front Against Fascism, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 520, Kadima Reconstructionist Community, Knoxville Center for Reproductive Health, Labor for Black Lives Collective-Seattle, Metro Justice, National Organization of Legal Services Workers UAW 2320, Newark Education Workers Caucus, Older Women’s League-SF, Oregon Coalition of Black Trade Unionists, Organized Workers for Labor Solidarity, Phoenix Democratic Socialists of America, Pacific NW & IL chapters of American Party of Labor, Raging Grannies Action League, La Resistancia, Seattle Democratic Socialists of America, Seattle NOW, Socialist Alternative-Oakland-San Francisco-Seattle, South Dakota NOW, Speak Out Socialists, Trabajadoras por la Paz,  United Auto Workers Local 4121, Unitarian Universalists of San Francisco Human Rights Working Group, Washington Federation of State Employees Local 304, Washington State Federation of Democratic Women, Women for Racial and Economic Equality

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