Indivisible Tacoma members are shocked by the disturbing incident Saturday night when a police officer ran over people. We are urging swift investigation and accountability. Many of us will attend these two meetings: 


NOTICE is hereby given that a special meeting of the Tacoma City Council will be held

Monday, January 25, 2021, at 4:30 p.m. 

This meeting will not be conducted in-person and will have telephonic and virtual access for the public to attend.

The meeting can be heard by dialing 253-215-8782 or through Zoom at and entering the meeting ID 870 4575 5311 and passcode 657432, when prompted. 

The purpose of this special meeting is:
  •  Call to Order
  •  Roll Call
  •  Discussion of the 9th Street and Pacific Avenue incident
  •  Executive Session – Potential Litigation

Tacoma’s Community Police Advisory Committee will have a special meeting TODAY!

Main page:…

Special Meeting January 25, 2021 at 6PM

Public Log-in Information:…

Passcode: 278618

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