In-person: 1210 6th Ave Tacoma



As the second African-American to earn a doctorate in the atmospheric sciences, Dr. Warren Washington has served as a role model for generations of young researchers from varied backgrounds. He has received many prestigious awards, including the National Medal of Science presented by President Obama.

We honor him with this community sculpture event.

We’ll be joined by sculptor Aisha Harrison, Dean Arunga of Evergreen College Tacoma, community leaders and even some of Dr. Washington’s family!

This project is s a joint effort by The Conversation, The New Generation 2.0, BAD, The Black Panther Party of Tacoma, South Sound Anti-racist Project, Lawyers Against Systemic Racism and 350 Tacoma. Many members of the community donated time and money to make this possible.

The sculpture will stay at Evergreen for about a month and then start traveling around Tacoma, with stays at Campfire Coffee, Parable and more to be planned! We’ll also bring it to the Black History Month event on Feb 26 from 12pm-4pm at the People’s Community Center in Hilltop.

Please visit Dr. Washington’s likeness throughout his travels, take a selfie, and share online with #WheresWarrenWA.

You can see Aisha at work on the sculpture in this short video:

If you’re interested in hosting the sculpture, or know someone who is, please email us at We will be prioritizing Black-owned businesses and spaces! 

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