A coordinated effort across the country to rally support for S1 “For The People Act”.
Olympia Indivisible, Grey Indivisible Lacey, and Indivisible Tacoma will join in a rally, one of ten events taking place across the State of Washington.
We’ll meet at the steps of the Washington State Capitol Legislative Building this Friday, July 9, 2021 at 11:00 AM PDT to urge passage of S1, the “For the People Act” in the U.S. Senate.
We are inviting the public to join in a short, fun, peaceful, and uplifting event to show congress that Americans want a transparent, trustworthy voting process.
Supporters are urged to participate in what promises to be a vibrant demonstration of democracy. Music will begin at 10:40 am.
The program includes five speakers from diverse backgrounds with a focus on the freedom to vote safely and equally.
Activities at the event will include music, voter registration, and selfies with life size cutouts of our U.S. Senators.
The campaign is called ‘Deadline For Democracy,’ because the Senate must pass the For the People Act by August in order for states to implement them prior to the 2022 midterm elections.
Indivisible Tacoma is entirely staffed by volunteers working to realize bold progressive policy. That’s why we love it when people help. The funds support technology, voter outreach, and other expenses. Huge thanks to all who’ve donated!
Contributions to Indivisible Tacoma are not deductible as charitable contributions for income tax purposes.