Indivisible Tacoma has signed on to the Resolution below and urges members to write letters to our US Senators, Representatives, and the Biden Administration.

The sample letter under the Resolution can be used to guide your own letter.


Whereas, since 1965 Medicare has been our national health care system for seniors and the disabled in the United States; and

Whereas, Medicare beneficiaries are among the most vulnerable populations served in health care, and need more, not fewer benefits and protections; and
Whereas, traditional Medicare holds sacred the relationship between Medicare beneficiaries and their chosen health care provider; and

Whereas, traditional Medicare, is a public good, and should not be privatized; and
Whereas, Wall Street has for decades tried and failed to privatize our Social Security system; and

Whereas, the prospect of Wall Street getting a piece of what is projected to be $ 1.6 trillion of annual Medicare spending by 2028 has led to a rush to buy-up Accountable Care Organizations for managing Medicare services; and

Whereas, the Trump administration opened the door to the complete privatization of Medicare through a Direct Contracting pilot program allowing private equity firms, insurance companies, and corporate health businesses to directly contract to provide Medicare services; and

Whereas, the Biden administration ended the Direct Contracting pilot and rebranded it as the ACO REACH (Accountable Care Organization Realizing Equity, Access, and Community Health) pilot to begin in January of 2023; and

Whereas, public health advocates across the country see little difference between ACO REACH and the Direct Contracting pilot, since both pilot programs allow third party private entities to wedge themselves between patients and their healthcare providers and to draw down the Medicare Trust Fund by making huge profits in several ways, including weakening services for Medicare beneficiaries; and

Whereas, nothing in the ACO REACH pilot spells out a systemic way to address the real inequities suffered by BIPOC individuals and BIPOC communities due to historic under resourcing; and

Whereas, addressing real equity issues can be done within the traditional Medicare system; now therefore be it

Resolved, that Indivisible Tacoma goes on record against the privatization of our Medicare system, and for terminating the ACO REACH pilot program, and closing the door on third party entities in our Medicare system; and be it further

Resolved, that Indivisible Tacoma sends a copy of this Resolution to our two US Senators and Congressional House members in their jurisdiction, as well as to President Biden and to the Secretary of Health and Human Services Xavier Becerra.

SAMPLE LETTER from the Puget Sound Advocates for Retirement Action:

Dear Senator or Representative ________,

We request that you send a strong message to the Biden administration calling for termination of the Trump administration Medicare Direct Contracting (DC) pilot program which has now been rebranded under the Biden Administration as ACO REACH.

With little difference between the Direct Contracting pilot and ACO REACH, this program represents the final push to totally privatize our Medicare system.

We would like you to join us in saying Hands off our Medicare!

We want you to say no to privatizing our Medicare system and no to third party managers getting between seniors and the disabled and their doctors or other health care practitioners.

For decades Wall Street has attempted and failed to privatize our Social Security System. We have stopped these attempts in Congress. Now Wall Street is looking forward to privatizing the Medicare system.

The DC/ACO REACH program has created a major financial incentive for privatization. Under this program private equity firms, private insurers, and health care businesses see an enormous opportunity to profit from the traditional Medicare system at the expense of the Medicare Trust Fund and Medicare beneficiaries.

That is why they are so supportive of the ACO REACH program.  The Medicare capitated fee program and “managing” health care services for individual Medicare beneficiaries has proven to be a major money maker.
Given that the administrative costs for traditional Medicare are around 1.5%, private sector entities rushing into to the Medicare service business are either woefully inefficient, or they will get to keep an obscene amount of our Medicare taxes and premiums for their profits/reserves.

We cannot allow third party profit seekers between seniors and their chosen health care providers. And yet that is precisely what will happen under the DC/ACO REACH program. We cannot allow the quality of health services for seniors to decline, but that is financially incentivized through this privatization effort.

This is no less than the plundering of our seniors’ earned benefits, workers’ Medicare taxes, and the Medicare Trust Fund by Wall Street and highly profitable health care businesses.

According to Medicare and Health Care experts the only equity in the DC/ACO REACH pilot is in its name. Nothing in the pilot parameters speaks to rightsizing decades of under-resourcing the healthcare needs of our BIPOC communities and BIPOC seniors. If we want to address real equity, then let’s do so under traditional Medicare.

We hope to meet with you and your staff in the near future to discuss this further.

But in the meantime, we would ask you to raise your voice in saying no to the DC/ACO REACH program and no to privatizing our Medicare system. Hands off our Medicare!


Tacoma Tree Foundation Tree Stewards Training

Tacoma Tree Foundation Tree Stewards Training

Want to learn more about how you can increase Tacoma’s tree canopy? Tacoma Tree Foundation is offering a FREE Tree Stewards Training!

The 8-hour training will include 3 in-person sessions on tree selection, planting, pruning young trees, and maintaining trees. Participants will also learn how to communicate about trees with their neighbors and how to organize a tree planting event. Tree stewards will get the skills they need to get directly involved in taking local action and engaging with their communities about sustainability and stewardship.

Snacks will be provided, along with an optional lunch and tree planting project on the final day. This project is funded through the City of Tacoma’s Sustainability Small Grants program.

Three part training beginning:
• Saturday, April 30, 2022
• 9:00 AM  11:30 AM
• Tacoma Tree Foundation
539 Broadway, Tacoma, WA, 98402 United States

5/7 10:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Session 2

5/14 10:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. Session 3

1:00 p.m.–*Optional* lunch

Applications due by April 20 2022
Register: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeZjkcrBYSBqcLwmY8YHIIoIezPcsbWNOPKEtbcG7onfPL-7w/viewform


Salmon Send-Off and Community Salmon Celebration

Salmon Send-Off and Community Salmon Celebration

Saturday, March 26, 1PM 
Swan Creek Park, Pioneer Way Entrance 
Supporting the Puyallup Tribe and local salmon creek cleanup on Swan Creek, Tacoma’s only salmon bearing tributary.
1:00 – Salmon Send Off and Community Salmon Celebration.
 1:00 – Litter Pickup & Partner Activities 
 2:00 – Salmon send-off, David Sway-La Duenas, Lushootseed Teacher 
 2:15 – Coho salmon fry release 
Foss Waterway Seaport, Tacoma Ocean Fest, and Pierce Conservation District 
Strickland Hosts Telephone Town Hall

Strickland Hosts Telephone Town Hall

Pre-register to Receive a Call HERE 
Livestream on Facebook 

Wednesday, March 16, 6:30PM.
Our Tenth Congressional District Congressperson needs to hear from all of us! Submit a question ahead of the event at bit.ly/3tFwvr5.

WHAT:      Telephone Town Hall

WHO:       Congresswoman Marilyn Strickland
Dick Muri, Mayor of Steilacoom, Washington (Moderator)

WHERE:   Dial in at 855-962-1508
From Rep. Strickland:

“If you need assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact my office in Lacey at (360) 459-8514 or my office in D.C. at (202) 225-9740. For more updates, sign up for my newsletter HERE and follow me on social media.”

Dr. Warren Washington Sculpture Event

Dr. Warren Washington Sculpture Event

In-person: 1210 6th Ave Tacoma

Online: bit.ly/DrWADebut


As the second African-American to earn a doctorate in the atmospheric sciences, Dr. Warren Washington has served as a role model for generations of young researchers from varied backgrounds. He has received many prestigious awards, including the National Medal of Science presented by President Obama.

We honor him with this community sculpture event.

We’ll be joined by sculptor Aisha Harrison, Dean Arunga of Evergreen College Tacoma, community leaders and even some of Dr. Washington’s family!

This project is s a joint effort by The Conversation, The New Generation 2.0, BAD, The Black Panther Party of Tacoma, South Sound Anti-racist Project, Lawyers Against Systemic Racism and 350 Tacoma. Many members of the community donated time and money to make this possible.

The sculpture will stay at Evergreen for about a month and then start traveling around Tacoma, with stays at Campfire Coffee, Parable and more to be planned! We’ll also bring it to the Black History Month event on Feb 26 from 12pm-4pm at the People’s Community Center in Hilltop.

Please visit Dr. Washington’s likeness throughout his travels, take a selfie, and share online with #WheresWarrenWA.

You can see Aisha at work on the sculpture in this short video:

If you’re interested in hosting the sculpture, or know someone who is, please email us at hello@350tacoma.org. We will be prioritizing Black-owned businesses and spaces! 

Indivisible Tacoma Legislative Action Team to Meet With Rep. Strickland’s Staff

Indivisible Tacoma Legislative Action Team to Meet With Rep. Strickland’s Staff

Thursday, February 3, 2PM

Pre-registration required: bit.ly/MS_Jan22


Indivisible Tacoma Legislative Action Team will meet with Rep. Strickland’s staff to hear updates from Congress.

Rep. Strickland serves on the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee and the House Committee on Armed Services.


We will thank her for focusing on the well-being of our military families in budgeting, increasing food and housing security and access to contraception.


We’ll ask about Infrastructure rollout/messaging, and what can be done specifically with rail to reduce transportation’s carbon toll.

We hope for updates on insurrection accountability and voting rights, and we will express our alarm at the gradual privatization of elements of Medicare, with our fervent advocacy for Medicare For All.


The Legislative Action Team’s primary role is to arrange meetings with our Members of Congress or their staff, as well as our WA State Legislators.

We welcome all Indivisible members to join these meetings!