Help send Rev. Raphael Warnock and Jon Osoff to the Senate for Georgia!

How important it is for us to win these two Senate seats? Without them, we can’t expect to get our progressive agenda taken up. There is something here that everyone can do between now and January 5th to help.

How to Volunteer for the Georgia Runoffs

Text and Phonebanking

  • Fair Fight text or phone banking HERE

  • Reclaim Our Vote text or phone banking HERE

  • Warnock campaign phone bank HERE

  • Ossoff campaign phone bank HERE

Postcards and Letter Writing

  • Postcards to Voters HERE

  • Postcards to Swing States HERE

  • Vote Forward has a letter writing campaign. Sign up HERE 

  • New Georgia Postcard Project HERE


Donate to Stacey Abrams’ Fair Fight HERE

Win Both Seats – Donate HERE to send funds directly to 16 POC-led, grassroots organizations in Georgia

Flip the Vote 2020 HERE

Even More Ways to Help HERE

Contact Us Form

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