On November 13th, Indivisible Tacoma members heard from representatives of three organizations about their work with immigrants here in Pierce County. We all learned at least one new thing!
Rus Batten told us Northwest Immigrant Rights Project provides “Know Your Rights” classes within the detention center as well as individual legal representation. They advocate at the legislative level and urge everyone to call on Congress to cut funding for DHS/ICE/CBP.
AIDNW volunteer, Jo Anne Geron, described their mission offering dignity and support for those released. Besides jackets, backpacks, and snacks, the cell phones they provide are meaningful for reaching family members quickly. The AID NW Welcome Center RV is positioned in front of the detention center to respond directly.
La Resistencia began six years ago, recognizing the need to organize outside on behalf of people detained in terrible conditions, especially as immigration was increasingly criminalized. Our guest, Maru Mora Villalpando, more vulnerable to deportation because of her speaking out about those conditions, explained the “web of profit” around immigrants. La Resistencia fights to shut down detention facilities. Maru called us to support Communities Not Cages, Defund Hate, and No Tech for ICE (think license plate readers) campaigns, also.
All three organizations seek donations, volunteers, and increased awareness. Please look at their impressive work and join them!

AID NW consistently needs items for those being released from the Detention Center.
La Resistencia organizes and protests against the detention of immigrants and deportations, following the leadership of those detained, demanding better conditions – and now, a shutdown of the Detention Center.