Indivisible Tacoma members are extremely excited to see our 2022 election goals fulfilled! Our endorsed candidates were elected in WA State and beyond – with pro-democracy, pro-choice, pro-justice, anti-extremist candidates controlling the US Senate and a large portion of the US House!
We are celebrating!
Midterm Election Campaign Endorsements:
Early in 2022, the IT Endorsement Committee began locating, researching, and vetting candidates using our comprehensive values list as our compass.
Although Indivisible Tacoma is non-partisan, the only candidates that supported our values this year were Democrats – by a long shot!
Democracy and Voting Rights
Climate Protection/Renewable Energy
Equity: Race, Gender, LGBTQ+, Disability
Good Wages, Jobs & Labor Rights
Clean Water, Air, Soil & Food
Privacy Protection & Housing for All
Safeguard Public Lands & Wildlife
Healthcare & Expanded Medicare
Safe Streets, Gun Safety & Safe Policing
Reproductive Choice and Contraception
Economic Justice & Tax Fairness
Public Education & Teaching Truth
Green Accessible Transportation
Priority Candidates Identified:
Covering LD27, 28, 29, WA State elections and the South Sound area, IT prioritized support for the most challenged candidates in our South Sound area:
US Rep. Kim Schrier; LD28 Reps. Dan Bronoske and Mari Leavitt; and PCC candidate Robyn Denson.
IT May Election Kickoff:
IT hosted a hybrid in-person/online event to introduce priority candidates.

2022 Candidate Cards:
We developed a Candidate Card with our values and endorsed candidates in April and distributed it in person, in two member mailings, by email, and at local events. (link)

IT Campaign Liaisons:
Two IT liaisons each worked with Dan Bronoske and Mari Leavitt; one with US Rep. Kim Schrier; one with Pierce County Council Candidate #7 Robyn Denson and one with #5 PCC Candidate Marty Campbell.
We supported many other South Sound and state candidates and eventually had a liaison with CD10 US Rep. Marilyn Strickland, US Senator Patty Murray, and WA SOS candidate Steve Hobbs.
Campaign liaisons recruited IT members for canvassing, phoning, texting, posting signs, and sign-waving. One of our own IT members became the Campaign Manager to help Rep. Dan Bronoske win.
IT Candidate Forum July 2022:
IT hosted a Town Hall with WA State Democratic Chair Tina Podlodowski, Patty Murray staff, Marilyn Strickland, Kim Schrier, Dan Bronoske and Mari Leavitt (LD28), Sharlett Mena (LD29), and WA State Supreme Justices Mary Yu & G. Helen Whitener.

The IT Postcard Team wrote vigorously with the Reclaim Our Vote organization.
https://www. reclaim-our-vote
Roughly 25 IT member volunteers sent 5300 postcards to inconsistent and underrepresented voters in Georgia and Florida.
Many were people of color who had been removed from registration records. The cards gave information on how to re-register and where to vote.

The IT Voter Registration & Engagement Team worked at eighteen local events and festivals.
Twenty-four volunteers registered or updated registrations for around 100 citizens, but most important in this crucial election year were conversations engaging people with the importance of using their voices by voting, especially with young people and marginalized groups.
We handed out hundreds of IT Candidate Cards to help people connect our values to good candidates when filling out their ballots. Several times, candidates themselves spent time at our tables!

IT National Election Analysis:
Three national election reports (2/2022, mid-primary, 10/5/2022) based on in-depth research sought to identify the tightest US Senate and House Races that could be influenced to make the difference in who controlled the majorities and serve as a guide for decisions about allocating financial support.
These reports rejected a red wave and accurately predicted that Democrats would keep the Senate and could hold or come close in the House.
Indivisible Tacoma Endorsed Candidates WON their elections
CD8 Rep. Kim Schrier won in a difficult redistricted CD8: Indivisible Tacoma organized several door-knocking events with Olympia Indivisible in Bonney Lake and supported the National Indivisible door-knocking event with Ezra Levin and Nina Moussavi in CD8.
CD10 Rep. Marilyn Strickland, CD6 Rep. Derek Kilmer, US Senator Patty Murray, and SOS Steve Hobbs: Indivisible Tacoma issued calls to action for candidate events and emergency actions up and down the ballot and organized, attended, and worked for key events for these and other key WA candidates and officials. We conducted deep research on the SOS race before endorsing Steve Hobbs, helped organize a statewide WIN Town Hall for him, and posted his signs.
LD28 Reps. Dan Bronoske and Mari Leavitt: IT members made a huge contribution to help knock 10,000 doors in LD28 before the primary and knock another 12,500 doors for the general election! Identified as vulnerable, especially Bronoske, LD28 candidates were subjected to relentless false attacks through mail and TV. With our grassroots efforts, Mari Leavitt won with over 58% and Dan Bronoske won with over 55% of the votes.