Between 8AM May 6 and 5 PM May 10, you can file to be elected to a 2-year term as Democratic PCO by your neighbors in the August primary. It’s fast, free, and you can do it online.

What is a Precinct Committee Officer? Why should you consider running for the position?
It’s the backbone of local politics, voter engagement, and winning campaigns. If you’ve been looking for a way to get more involved in your neighborhood and community, or if you have some civic or political issues that you are passionate about, this will be a great starting point!
Who is Eligible?
Anyone who is a registered voter and a member of a major political party may become a candidate. A candidate must file an online Declaration of Candidacy form. Since voters do not register by political party in Washington, a candidate declares himself/herself to be a member of a political party at the time of filing.
One of the best ways for you to have an influence on voter turnout and the Democratic Party policy is to become an elected Precinct Committee Officer. In many Legislative Districts, only 1/3rd of the Democratic PCO seats are filled, which means just a few people are making powerful decisions.

If you’re the only one to file in your precinct, you won’t appear on the ballot. If someone else also files, you can work together to do voter outreach, but only one of you will be elected PCO. The PCO term starts in December.

If you’d like to get started with voter outreach and education before December, please apply to your LD Democrats to become an appointed PCO. Each organization has its own method for this, so check out their website for details.
Thank you to all who decide to serve!

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