Secretary of State, State Treasurer Candidates Coming Next Wed, Mar 18th

Secretary of State, State Treasurer Candidates Coming Next Wed, Mar 18th

IT General Meeting

On Wednesday, March 18th, we are excited to present:

Mike Pelliciotti and Gael Tarleton
State Treasurer and Secretary of State Candidates

6:30PM, Tahoma Unitarian Universalist Church
Hosted by Indivisibles Tacoma, Puyallup, Olympia, and Lacey Grey Resistance

Find out why it is important to have progressives as Secretary of State and
State Treasurer

PLUS… Disinformation updates

Light refreshments

Coronavirus COVID-19 precautions:  Event will be live-streamed to the Indivisible Tacoma public Facebook page (instead of the IT Community group page.)  Questions can be submitted online.  For those who want to attend, the Church has lots of space, so people will not be crowded together.
Special request: We need a volunteer who could field online questions and moderate the livestream portion of this event.INDIVISIBLE TACOMA CANDIDATE SPEAKER SERIES
(January – November 2020)

Indivisible Tacoma is presenting candidates for local, state, and federal offices who are most likely to agree with Indivisible values. Our members get a chance to meet them in person, hear why they are running, and ask them questions. We have hosted along with other Indivisible chapters:
AG Bob Ferguson
Pierce County Council Candidates March to November, watch for Candidate Forums with Progressives/Democrats for:  
CD 6 and CD10 candidates
Commissioner of Public Lands
Supt. of Public Instruction, Commissioner of Insurance
WA Legislative Candidates from LD25, 27, 28, 29
WA Supreme Court Justices
Superior Court, District Court, and Municipal Court Judges
And MAYBE – Governor Inslee!!! 

Happy Anniversary to Us!

Happy Anniversary to Us!

Progressive County Council Candidates Speak Up About the Issues and there was Cake!

On February 19, County Council Candidates faced questions
from IT members about rising rents and housing availability,
reducing fossil fuels, and land use. 

We made some vital connections with each other
as we celebrated IT’s Third Birthday!

IT General Meeting TONIGHT! There WILL be Cake!

IT General Meeting TONIGHT! There WILL be Cake!

Meet Progressive County Council Candidates and Celebrate Three Years of Action!
There WILL be CAKE!

We need to flip the Pierce County Council. Find out how these candidates plan to improve our roads, public health, housing, criminal justice, and much more – affecting every person in Pierce County.

Talk to them, and get involved!

We will celebrate YOU and your participation in
Indivisible Tacoma.
Three years of action!
Group photos and cake!
Join us!
TONIGHT, Wednesday, February 19th, 6:30PM
Tacoma Unitarian Universalist Church
1115 S. 56th Street, Tacoma
Great Turnout for Attorney General, Bob Ferguson’s Event

Great Turnout for Attorney General, Bob Ferguson’s Event

Monday evening, Attorney General Bob Ferguson brought us a terrific presentation. We counted 120+ audience members and people were very engaged. The AG decides which lawsuits to file and he told us how he decides. He showed what a conscientious, caring man he is. An attendee commented, “He’s like our moral compass!” Newly installed Port Commissioner, Kristin Ang, introduced Ferguson in just the best possible style and was herself greeted with crowd cheers!

Attorney General Bob Ferguson Coming THIS Monday, January 27th

Attorney General Bob Ferguson Coming THIS Monday, January 27th

South Sound Indivisibles Host:
Attorney General Bob Ferguson

THIS COMING Monday, January 27th

Working for All Washingtonians:
Legislation/Legal Challenges

Indivisible Tacoma is coordinating a presentation by Attorney General Bob Ferguson. Co-hosting will be Indivisibles in Puyallup, Olympia, Gig Harbor, Vashon Island, Kirkland, Federal Way and Grey Resistance.

Please Note: It would help us estimate the number of chairs, if you would find the event on the Indivisible Facebook page and click Going. Thanks!

Monday, January 27th, 6:30PM
Asia Pacific Cultural Center               

4851 South Tacoma Way

Take Back Our Government in 2020!!! How can YOU make it happen?

Take Back Our Government in 2020!!! How can YOU make it happen?

South Sound Indivisibles Host:
Attorney General Bob Ferguson

Monday, January 27th

Working for All Washingtonians: Legislative Agenda, Challenging the President, and More

Indivisible Tacoma is coordinating a presentation by Attorney General Bob Ferguson. Co-hosting will be Indivisibles in Puyallup, Olympia, Gig Harbor, Vashon Island, Kirkland, Federal Way, Grey Resistance, and the Asia Pacific Cultural Center.

Please Note: It would help us estimate the number of chairs, if you would find the event on the Indivisible Facebook page and click Going. Thanks!

Monday, January 27th, 6:30PM
Asia Pacific Cultural Center               

4851 South Tacoma Way

In This Week’s Update…

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Happy New Voters 2020!

2020 sees an exciting expansion in our voter registration efforts.  We will be at more colleges and schools, have been invited to more new locations, are booking more community events, and are exploring opportunities to register new voters where they live.
Be a part of it!
Email Nina at

More Happy New Voters 2020!

2020 sees an exciting expansion in our voter registration efforts.  We have already had two successful sessions at TCC, resulting in 41 current and future voter registrations.  We will be at more colleges and schools, have been invited to more new locations, are booking more community events, and are exploring opportunities to register new voters where they live.  Be a part of it!  Email us at

Monday, January 13, 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

University Place Library Meeting Room

(Our normal date was preempted by the General Meeting)

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What’s New…

Legislative Action Team Update

MoC Meeting with Senator Patty Murray’s Staff
Tuesday, January 14th
4:30PM to 5:15PM
University Place Library
3609 Market Pl W, University Place, WA 98466
Meet in the Atrium at 4:15PM

Indivisible Tacoma’s Overall Legislative Action Agenda
Our Legislative Action Team has been working hard to identify our priorities going into 2020.
Check out our Overall Legislative Action Agenda HERE

Save the Dates! Upcoming IT Meetings

Indivisible Team Meetings

Please visit our Calendar of Events here to confirm all details as locations and times can vary but generally our IT meetings happen in these time frames:

Legislative Action Team – First Tuesday

General Meetings – Second or Third Wednesdays

Steering Team – Second Monday

Voter Registration and Engagement – Third or Fourth Monday

Indivisible Tacoma General Meeting – MONDAY, January 27th 
Attorney General Bob Ferguson
Working for All Washingtonians, Legislative Agenda,
Challenging the President, and More. 

Please Note: It would help us estimate the number of chairs, if you would find the event on the Indivisible Facebook page and click Going. Thanks!

Monday, January 27th, 6:30PM                              Asia Pacific Cultural Center               
4851 South Tacoma Way

Monday, January 13, 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
University Place Library Meeting Room
(Our normal date was preempted by the General Meeting)

MoC Meeting with Senator Patty Murray’s Staff 
Tuesday, January 14th
4:30PM to 5:15PM
University Place Library
3609 Market Place West, University Place, WA  98466
Meet in the Atrium at 4:15PM

 Community Meetings

Pierce County Legislative District Meetings: Find them here .

We are a 100% Volunteer Organization
         and we can use your talents! 

If you want to make a difference, we have something for everyone! 

Love people? Join our Membership Team. Some of our bigger events like Town Halls and Candidate Debates attract over 100 people so we need extra help welcoming everyone.

Enjoy Rallies and Community Fairs?  Our Events and Voter Registration Teams are out and about year-round. We’re always looking for folks to staff our tables and help with event organization on the ground.

Interested in Policy? Our Legislative Action Team Our Legislative Action Team informs membership about issues and plans meetings with our local and national representatives, pressing for Indivisible values.

Media, Tech and Graphics SavvyOur Communications Team engages our members on most social media platforms, our website and newsletter and can always use help with keeping everyone up to date.

If interested, email us at IndivisibleTacomaChapter@Gmail.Com.

About Indivisible Tacoma & How You Can Help

Indivisible Tacoma’s mission is to promote social and environmental justice and democracy through representative government on all levels. We are citizen lobbyists and social activists resisting the Trump agenda and holding our local lawmakers and public officials accountable. We are non-partisan and wholly inclusive in our membership.

Want to donate? Or get more involved? Visit our website for more info.
Indivisible Tacoma is staffed entirely by volunteers and runs on a shoestring. We thank all who’ve donated. The funds go to print fliers, signs, and other materials, host our general meetings, set up voter registration booths, and run our website, email list, and other items.

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